You were made Deaf, Dumb, and Blind

In the name of Almighty God Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. And in remembrance of our spiritual mother, Mary of the Books of prophecy, Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Praises be to their Spiritual Son, the Honorable Silis Muhammad, who resurrected the Lost-Found Nation of Islam for a second time I'd like to greet you in our original language of Arabic As salaam alaikum (The peace be upon you).

It's important for you to know that after your fore father decreed the rulership of mankind for a period of 6 thousand years. You were made poor and not given any benefit for being good. In addition to that your forefathers had driven mankind up into Europe and kept them there for a period of 2,000 years and they went savage, also they started to live a life like beasts. Their language was not taken from them thus they were communicating with one another. Do you think that some of them were not plotting and planning on how to pay you back for what your fathers had cause to happen to them?

Before Mankind's make, there were no Races. You Blackman and Woman are the first Nation. But it was necessary to put you spiritually to sleep in order that Mankind could gain their rulership. So ultimately what happen? They knew you took your family and moved into the jungles of East Asia called Africa. So, they chased you down in the jungles, raided your communities, captured your forefathers and mothers, loaded them into ships and those they couldn't capture they tricked with false promises to get them to board the ships.

But what is most important is what Almighty God Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad told the Honorable Elijah Muhammad happen to our fore parents upon their being brought to the shore of America.

In Our Saviour Has Arrived on page 93, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad states in the 1st paragraph: "Just what happened to foreparents and us, their children, after landing here would make a dog weep and fight that their pups were treated in such manner as our forefathers and their children were treated.

Our first parents who were brought here, he said were killed after giving birth to their first babies to prevent them from teaching their children anything of self or of their God and people.

This act of murdering our forefathers (by the slavemasters) left their children to be taught and reared in whatever pleased the slavemasters and we are from those children. That made us blind, deaf, and dumb to the knowledge of self or anyone else and worst of all is that they don't know that they don't know themselves or others."

Please share this information to other Afro descendants.

This story is based on truth to the best of my knowledge. I had a muslim brother who was in an accident. The person who hit him tried to claim it was his fault after having first admitted he was wrong. But luckily, he had a dash cam which recorded it and he was able to take it to his lawyers.
