You were made Deaf, Dumb and Blind Part 2

In the name of Allah who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, whom we will forever give praises to for His coming to find us. And in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother Mary of the Books (Bible, Holy Qur'an) in prophecy. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him. And in the name of their first begotten Son of Truth, the Honorable Silis Muhammad, may His name be praised for causing the Lost - Found Nation of Islam to rise for a second time. I greet with the Muslim greeting of peace be upon you, in the Arabic language, as salaam alaikum.

This subject has been mainly directed to the Afrodescendants with the thought in mind of showing how it came about that you were disconnected from your people from where you came. Also, the means given to us by Fard Muhammad through the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, His messenger. That we were dominated by our oppressors. As a baby growing up you weren't taught grammar, allowed to read, nor language. You were being addressed by them in the same like manner that he addressed his dog, cat or any other animal he had in possession, that displayed enough intelligence to obey his commands.

Thus, you ended up speaking his dialect as best you could broken Spanish, English, and French. Your oppressors at that time were exerting that they were a Superior Race compared to you as a people. I do not say these things to cause you to hate, but to get you to see how far you have progressed out that mental state you had been put in, and why you had been deemed Mentally Dead. In the 1st post I pointed out to you in Messenger the Hon. Elijah Muhammad words, How you became Blind, Deaf, and Dumb. Now let's consider in his words Why?

On page 65 in the Message to the Blackman 2nd paragraph from the bottom and over to the top of page 66, he states: "My poor people are mentally blind, deaf and dumb and full of fear.

Blind because they do not see the light of truth after being shown it for over thirty years.

Deaf because they will not hear the truth, Islam that has come to them from Allah through the Messenger (myself). They are

Dumb because they will not see or open their ears and hearts after the light has shown clear for many years. You are full of fear that was instilled in you when you were babies, so Allah told. This fear of the white slave-master through tortures, lynchings, burnings, rapings and killings and has caused you to be blind, deaf and dumb."

I must admit that there is a different generation here today, than those who were there at the time of his writings. And it seems the effect of our former oppressors fear tactics are worn off.

Remember he also said our Unity is more powerful than an atomic bomb. Let us come together and build a Righteous Government, with Righteous Laws, under a Righteous Guide, on some of this earth we can call our own.

As salaam alaikum.

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