Will America attack it's Afrodescendants within her country on a scale like the Zionists in Hamas?

From Buzz Anderson Hon. Elijah Muhammad Interview Part 2

My teaching is just that, what I teach them is life, and what I bring them out of into this, is death. My mission as the last of the scientists or the truth, that is to come to the world, before the world is destroyed. You will not have no other messenger. I am the last one, behind me comes God himself. I don't say I will live for so long. But after me God will come or if it pleases him I may be with him. But if I'm not with him, this is the last.

This truth brings you into the knowledge of yourself and of God. There is nothing hidden to much in the gods. In this teachings, you learn what God is and what's in-you could learn to be God yourself. This is the-this is God-is the real God's teaching. What is God, how things was made and brought about, this is what it is, this is the last wisdom to be given to the world and a knowledge of how this world is made.

I said that this world was brought about according to God's teaching to me by grafting. The white race is a grafted people. They were grafted from the original people, the dark people and in making them, we made a brown race, yellow race, and a red race to get to the we say, the final of the germ. At the end can't be nothing but white. So that's what the scientists was after. He was after grafting the germ into it's last stage, and the last stage was white. White and blue eyes and no other race have that. And because the Whiteman is the end of it, we can't make nothing else. This what the Holy Qur'an refers to as, we have tried everything and everything obeys Allah but man.

It is tough to be asked by people. Why did God make Devil? And it's not a bad question to ask. And it's not a bad answer. Many people think that the God that created the heavens and the earth, is the same God that created the Devil or Satan. We should say Satan because the meanings is better understood. Because Satan in the arabic language mostly give it, that it is a person or persons that is evil, and their evil is not confined to one's self. This evil affects others and that is actually meaning-meant when we say Satan.
Satan is a person that is evil or people that is evil and that evil affects others.

Buzz Anderson:
Well would you say that the Whiteman is a descendant of Satan?
The Hon. Elijah Muhammad: No I would not say the Whiteman is a descendant of Satan because that would be wrong. We didn't have a Satan before whiteman. So the Whiteman is Satan himself. He's not a descendant of something. He is what he is in his own sphere or Nation as you are. And that he is not a descendant.

The God that created the Whiteman, he created them for a purpose of showing forth a wisdom that was yet hidden in the God, that was not made manifest, this is the main purpose.

It is not a useless thing that the race was created or made and it's not the God that created the heavens and the earth in truth. This is a rebel or a rebel of that God that made this race of people and he made them for- not say to attack God as many scholars on scripture and on the question of the Devil and Satan desire to answer. He was not made exactly for all of that and the man didn't have all of that in his mind.

We would say, the God that created what he actually had in his mind the idea was this. To make a man just opposite to what we was. Or a people just opposite to us in general, a different person absolutely, without being the nature of us, not having our ideas, but a new people all together and to try them at ruling.

His main idea was to make a people that could rule us and not be us. And not say that he was angry with the God and wanted to attack God and didn't like God's rule. He was not that type of man.

Yacub was very wise and he was one of the righteous. As the Bible refers to him as being one of the angels. He was, and he lost his lost his place because of what he did. And the Bible don't give to you a clear picture of it. His fall was due to him not say attacking God in war as the Bible teaches.

But his idea was wrong and therefore the God would not agree that he make his man in what we call today the Holy Land. And that if he wanted to make the man. They would agree that he make him, but he must make him out of the sphere of the righteous people. Since that his idea was unrighteous, they exile him for having the idea of creating unrighteousness to rule righteousness. And he was so powerful at the time that they were actually afraid to oppose his ideas because he was to wise a man. He could have cause a lot of trouble at the time as the time goes on.

I would like to say right here in this phase of the talk. That the men's wisdom lasted or is Supreme until another one that is Supreme over his wisdom or have Supreme wisdom over him. This is the way the Gods run. We don't have just one man's wisdom extending all the time, it's another one.

Buzz Anderson:A constant ever changing...

The Hon. Elijah Muhammad: yes sir.
Your wisdom of making this we say, that radio over there may last for 5 or 6 years until another man learn to make a better one. And then when he learn to make a better one. You still get the credit for being the 1st one to make the radio, but they have improved on it. And you come back maybe a hundred years fron now, you wouldn't know your machine at all. So much improvement has been set. Like the Ford who made the car, ford motor. Alright, if Ford would look at his car today, He would say that he was dumb when he started making the car. Because look at the improvement on it you see. It's not Ford who have put all of this improvement to the car but he was the founder of the car.

So it is with wise men in the spiritual work and other scientist that we worship for the God that has made and created we have them coming at intervals when one's wisdom is exhausted another one picks up and he improves on what you have done, like the God that divided our planet.

He was wise enough to want to have his word bond 100% and let every man know that he was to speak the same language and do the same thing. And this was against nature. The world-the heavens and the earth was not created like that, they varies, and so therefore this man failed, and he got angry and said; well since they won't be like, I want them to be. I will destroy myself and them too. Well he missed, because the universe is made in such way by the Creator that you can't destroy it yourself and you can't destroy the people of the Creator.

Buzz Anderson Yes, they may change yeah.

Regardless to what you plan as you may think today, or know today, that Russia and America have the most deadliest and the most destructive weapons that ever has been fashioned by any scientist of war of the past. But nevertheless, if they say that they can destroy the human being on this earth 3 times or 10 times if they wanted to.

They can't do it regardless of what weapons you may use to destroy all life on the earth you will fail. Because there is someone sitting back behind the curtain that you don't know, that knows what you know. And he knows an enemy that can destroy the enemy that you has fashioned. This is the way that it was in the time of this man that's trying to destroy our planet. The reason I take up this talk with you because we're in a time that the same thing is in the minds of this people. They would like to destroy the whole entire human family of the earth, if they are destroyed. Each one, what I mean to say the scientists of Russia and of America these war scientists, they are ready to destroy each other
and have prepared themselves to do so.

But a silent scientist. knows what they have prepared and know that they can do so, if they were given the freedom. But they will not be given the freedom to destroy all human beings, you can't do it.

They always has left one from that same family at the beginning, who have the key. He holds the key and you can't get the key. What I mean the key, is the key to the knowledge, how to control the powers of the nature in which the universe has been created in. When you are lucky enough to land that key, to control the powers we say of nature. Then you can move anyone that will rise up as you enemy. Because there is no people today that can control the power or the forces of nature but a few. They're only a few and they sacred, you don't know them. If you see them you would not know them and they have been here all the while. What I mean when he dies he leaves it with his son an his son keeps it. They uh, it goes like that, and there's no such thing as the earth or the people being able or the scientists being able to destroy the whole thing. Though they able to do it but they can't do it.

This man was able to do it. He drilled a tube into our planet at that time, which had a diameter of better than 10 thousand miles and the drilled a tube into it, like you're mining Coal and he went on into it a couple of thousand miles into the planet. Not a couple of miles but a couple of thousand miles. He put the tube in, and they fill the tube with high explosives. It was dynamite but it is not the weak kind that is used at the present day. It was that dynamite 70% stronger it's highly explosive than this that they are using today. it was more tougher and therefore he filled that tube up and he let go. He thought that, that would be the end of the whole thing but he missed.

This part that we're on dropped 36,000 miles from it's original pocket that it was rotating in from the blast of this explosion, and the explosion taken the part that we have now for moon. As all scientists or astronomists they admit that the moon is a part of the earth. It's the essence of the earth only it don't have no water on it. And that part was blasted 12,000 miles away from the original pocket, before it turn off-over and lost the water.

Buzz Anderson: which is now on earth as we...

yeah, the earth now have the water that was on that part. And that makes this part, threefold covered with water because it taken that part.We didn't use to have this much water in our atmosphere we have at sea level here very much water. But when the moon and the earth was together we didn't have it.

This excerpt is from Buzz Anderson Interview of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Part 2
