Why we Look Forward to the Revealing of a New Book from Allah

In the name of Almighty God Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and in remembrance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad our Spiritual Mother, Mary of the book. And in the name of their first begotten son of Truth, the Honorable Silis Muhammad the Chief Executive Officer of the Lost found Nation of Islam do I greet you with the greeting words of Peace in the Arabic language of As salaam alaikum.

The topic of my subject is, why we look forward to the revealing of a new book from  Allah. The answer is quite simple here's a note in the writings of our Spiritual Mother in the Message To The Black Man under the chapter The Bible and Holy Quran page 87,  "(if Moses' rod and book were given as a guide for Israel, and  the gospel God gave to Jesus as a guide and warning to the Christians, and the Holy Qur'an to Muhammad for the Arab world, will God give us (the so-called Negroes) a book as a guide for us? Will he bring it or send it? For those books were for other people and not for us.)

If we are in the change of the two Worlds (Christianity and Islam), then surely we need a "new book" for our guidance; for those books have served the people to whom they were given. But all or both books are guidance for us all. Yet we must have a new book for the "new change"; that which no eye has seen nor ear has heard, nor has entered into our hearts what it is like.

We know these books, they have been seen and handled by both the good and no good. Certainly the Holy Qur'an is from The Lord of the Worlds, there can be no doubt in the word of Allah (God).  But if the book or books have the words of someone else other than Allah words in it or them, there is no doubt in our hearts concerning the receiving of such books or books!"

On page 90 the message to the black man first paragraph from the top he writes:

"The Bible and holy Quran are filled with truth that leads us up to the judgment and their prophecies refer to the hereafter. Since these prophecies are a small percentage of the whole, it makes it necessary for a new scripture (or guidance) for the hereafter. The enemy has tampered with the truth in both books: for he has been permitted to handle both books. Neither the Holy Qur'an nor the Bible was revealed with the intention of converting the white race into truth and righteousness; for God knew that there were no good in them the day they were created.” But they are capable of deceiving you in regard to Allah and the righteous.

On page 97 within the last paragraph the Honorable Elijah Muhammad states:

" Both the present Bible and Holy Qur'an must give way to that Holy book which no man as yet, but Allah has seen. The teaching (prophecies) of the present Bible and Qur'an takes us up to the resurrection and Judgment of this world, but not into the next life."

And on page 91 of the Message to the Black Man by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad second paragraph from the top he states:

"There's another Book that no one has been able to see or read, its contents coming soon from Allah - the "Last book," which takes us into the hereafter"

From these statements made by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the Message to the Black Man and the announcement made in the letter to all Contemporary Black Muslims, surely a person can see why we look forward to having a Holy book of our own revealed to us soon by the true and living God (Allah), the Son of Man.
