The Royal Couple

What makes the Honorable Silis Muhammad and His wife (Mishakki Muhammad) royalty, is that He (the Hon. Silis Muhammad) is the Spiritual Son of Master Fard Muhammad, who was of royalty.

Master Fard Muhammad took off His Royal robes like those worn by the kings and princes there in there in Mecca and replaced them with a suit worn by the Caucasian within the American society. Note the Honorable Elijah Muhammad addresses Him (Master Fard Muhammad) as His Majesty Master Fard Muhammad in some of his writings.

 On page 179 of the Message To The Black man 3rd - 2nd paragraph from the bottom the Hon. Elijah Muhammad writes "He (Allah) gave me His Name. Later my father and all our family accepted His Name Muhammad" That name was not a name that Elijah adopted on his own, He had received it directly from Almighty Allah.

Also through to course of time in the year 1966, the Hon. Silis Muhammad (known at that time as Silis Abu Bakr ), was given the family name Muhammad by the Hon Elijah Muhammad at his home on 48th and Woodland in the presence of his oldest son Immanuel who welcome him into the family He (the Hon. Silis Muhammad) also did not adopt the name on His own.

 Furthermore, his wife  had already married into the Hon. Elijah Muhammad's family. At the time of their relationship she were the ex daughter in law of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, therefore she had received her name through marriage.

 Let me also say that they (the Hon. Silis Muhammad and his wife, Misshaki Muhammad) reestablished the Lost-Found Nation of Islam into a legal entity after the Hon. Elijah Muhammad had died because his son Warith (Wallace) D. Muhammad had changed the charter of the Nation of Islam to the World Community of Al Islam in the West. This is why Minister Louis Farrakhan push his organizational paper out titled The Final Call and not Muhammad Speaks.

As salaam alaikum
