He left it in plain sight he didn't hide it from you.

He left it in plain sight he didn't hide it from you.

In the name of Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, our Spiritual Father, and in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother Mary, in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And with respect to  the Royal couple, Misshaki Muhammad and the Honorable Silis Muhammad that guides the Lost- Found Nation of Islam. I like to greet the readers of this article with the greeting of peace in the Arabic Language; As-salaam alaikum.

I do not seek credit for pointing this truth out. But it comes from my spiritual eyesight coming open from hearing the truth as taught by the Honorable Silis Muhammad during Saviors Day. I also do not know if any Minister within the Lost - Found Nation of Islam have already pointed this out. I can say that some may be sensitive to what I am about to point out, and a person may want to condemn me. But we (registered members) are required to speak the truth without erroring, and may I add (to the best ones ability), regardless of the circumstances.
Most of us have hear the teaching about Master Fard Muhammad and how His Father saw it necessary for him not to come among us a jet black man due to the time frame of His coming. But upon hearing our Savior, the Honorable Silis Muhammad  stating that we all have white mixed in us due to slavery. I couldn't help but wonder if the same applied to our first, last, and greatest Messenger, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He was indeed one of us and born in the house of bondage like us. But most of all, he was a righteous man and spoke the truth, even if it reflected upon himself also. Prophets of God, Allah do not lie. On page 10 in the 1st paragraph of his book "Our Saviour Has Arrived" The Hon. Elijah Muhammad writes "Hiding the truth is a very serious thing to do. It causes harm and disappointment and causes one to be misled. It causes the loss of friendship, beloved ones, and loss of confidence and trust.
In court, it causes heavy penalties and someone's being sent to prison or to death for that of which they are innocent."
The Hon. Elijah Muhammad may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, he tells you that his grand mother's father was a white man on his father's side. In "Message to the Black man in America"on page 165 within the 1st paragraph he writes:
"Truth hurts. You went into our grandmothers, had children by them and then put them on the block for sale,  and today you are still crossing over to our women. This should show you why we want to take leave of you today. In those days you sold her children, who were your own sons and daughters. I am telling you what my own grandparents told me. My father's  mother told me her father was a whiteman, and she looked it."
I hope you don't get angry with me for pointing this out please open your third eye (mind's eye) and comprehend. And no, I didn't point this out to you, to say let's integrate.
On page 272, 5th paragraph Message to the Black man in America it reads "The coming Allah and the judgement of the wicked world is made clear by the prophetic sayings of the prophets. The so-called reverends and proud intellectual class are doomed to destruction with the enemy, if they remain with him instead of joining onto Allah who loves them and Who will deliver them and the Nation of Islam."
I also like to end this article in prayer for sake of the sensitive nature of this writing.
Our Lord do not punish us  if I forget or make a mistake. Our Lord, do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us. Our Lord do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us protection and have mercy on us, thou art my protector, so help us against the unbelieving people.
