You were made Blind, Deaf and Dumb Part 3

In the name of Allah who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, whom we will forever give praises to for His coming to find us. And in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother Mary of the Books (Bible, Holy Qur'an) in prophecy, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him. And in the name of their first begotten Son of Truth, the Honorable Silis Muhammad, may His name be praised for causing the Lost - Found Nation of Islam to rise for a second time. I greet you with the Muslim greeting of peace be upon you, in the Arabic language, as salaam alaikum.

I'd like to take a moment to depart from the direction in which this topic has been heading previously. In the Holy Qur'an you'll find a statement in the 2nd chapter 18th verse "Deaf dumb, (and) blind, so they return not:" This seems to be an expression of the state of mind about what condition you were put in by your oppressors. You had now been cut off from the world your former slave masters transported you from, into a new founded land by them. All contact to that world outside of the Americas, is now by them, being blocked.

How could you possibly return to your original culture, religion, and speak your mother tongue when you're living in an environment where you are not allowed to be educated.

From page 270 Message to the Blackman in the 2nd paragraph "Allah now is causing these people to wake up and see the white race as it really is, the created enemy of the darker people. As we see today, there is a general awakening of the darker people to into the knowledge of self and the knowledge of their age-old (6,000 years) enemies all over the earth. The American white race cannot sincerely give the so-called Negroes (their slaves) a square deal. She desires to deceive them.

Today America is trying, against her will, to give the so-called Negro Civil rights (which is against the very nature and will of the white race) for the first time since the black man has been here. America falsely offers him social equality in certain parts of the country. This social equality consists mostly of permitting the American Black race to mix openly with the white man and his woman (the devils). The actual idea, however, is to grant the so-called Negro social equality among the lower class of whites. This is done so that the scriptures, wherein the prophecy that the white man temps and corrupts the so-called Negros with his women might be fulfilled. God has taught me that the white race was grafted unalike, and being unalike, it is able to attract the black man and black woman, getting them to do all the evil and indecency known to the white race."

In addition to this, let me say, that we should look toward and love our own kind.

On page271, within the 1st paragraph.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad states: "The problem of the American black man is his unwillingness to be separated from his 400-year-old enemies. The problem, therefore, is harder to solve, especially with the enemy trying to fascinate the Negro with his lower class girls and woman arraying them partly nude before the Negroes in every public news medium (cheap daily newspaper and magazines, radio and TV) and the Negro is quick to imitate.

The problem between these two people, separating and dignifying the so-called Negroes so they may be accepted and respected as equals or superior to other nations, must be solved. This is God's promise to the s0-called Negro (the Lost and Found members of the Original Black Nation of the earth). This promise was made through the mouths of His prophets (Bible and Qur'an), that He would separate us from our enemies, dignify us and make us masters after this wicked race has been destroyed for its own evils.

But, as I said, the solving of this problem, which means the redemption of the Negro, is hard to do, since he loves his enemies (See Bible; Deut.18:15, 18; Psalms; Isaiah; Matthew 25:32; and Revelations, Chapter 14).

The manifestation of Allah and Judgment between the so-called Negro and the enemy of God and Nation of Islam will make the so-called Negro see and know his enemy and himself, his people, his God and his religion.

As Salaam Alaikum

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