This is the way America sought to deal with it's so-called American Negroes in the 20th century

In the name of Almighty Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. And in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother, called Mary in the books of prophesy
And with honor and respect to the Royal Couple, the Honorable Silis Muhammad and Queen Misshakki Muhammad.
I greet you in the arabic language which means, peace be upon you, as-salaam alaikum.

The way America has sought to integrate and hide us within it's government is through a process of ethnocide. But 1st let us understand what is ethnocide.

Ethnocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic group. It can be accomplished by: 

  • Destroying the members of the group (genocide)
  • Destroying its cultural identity (culturicide)
  • Forced assimilation to a colonial or imperial culture
  • Forcible transfer of children to another human group
  • Forced and systematic exile of individuals representing the culture of a group

Ethnocide is a coercive act imposed by a dominant group upon a weaker or minority group. It has been associated with imperialism and with settler-colonialism. (A point made by the Prophet like Moses, the Hon. Silis Muhammad to the UN) . It is a means of destroying a groups culture while keeping the people.

Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad pointed out in the Message to the Black man in America that it was the desires and works of the children of the former slavemasters to close every avenue by which the light of Truth may enter our fore parent's mind, who were slaves at that time. And surmised that, if they could extinguish their captives capacity to see the Light of Truth their slaves would then be on the level of the beasts of the field. And concluded that afterwards whites would be safe.

Their congressional leaders wanted to find a process whereby they could accomplish that before mentioned goal. See the last chapter of page 185 and the top of page 190 in the MTTBMIA.

They have been unsuccessful in their attempt. The teachings of truth by the Prophet like Moses and his actions with 19 other governments in the Western diaspora and from help by the UN subgroup. an ethnogenesis has taken place.

Now what that? Make it plain so the masses of the people might understand.

Ethnogenesis is the formation and development of an ethnic group. This can originate by group self-identification or by by outside identification.

The self-identification agreed upon and now recognized by the UN is Afrodescendants.

I thank you for allowing me to clarify as best I can.

As-salaam alaikum