How came He, the Son of Man?

In the Name of Master Fard Muhammad our Spiritual Father. And in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother Mary, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad forever may their names be praised. And with special recognition to the Royal Couple of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, Queen Misshaki Muhammad and the Honorable Silis Muhammad CEO of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam. As-salaam alaikum

This topic deals with the Son of Man and the prophetical manner in which He was prophesied to come by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Please direct your attention to page 12 of the Message to the Black man in America, paragraph 2. "But the Bible teaches that God will be seen on the Day of Judgment. Not only the righteous will see Him, but even His enemies shall see Him.

On that day, a Son of a Man will sit to judge men according to their works. Who is the Father of this Son, coming to judge the world? Is His Father of flesh and blood or is He a "spirit"? Where is the Son coming from? Prophet Jesus said: "He will come from the East." (Matt 24:27) - from the land and people of Islam, where all of the former prophets came from. Jesus compared His Coming as "the lightning." Of course, lightning cannot be seen at a great distance."

Most Ministers will agree that Master Fard Muhammad is the fulfillment of that verse of Matt 24:27. But He (Master Fard Muhammad) is also the Father Spiritually, of the Son of a Man who will sit and judge men.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad goes on further to tell you in paragraph 4 of page 12. " The actual light (the Truth) which "shineth even unto the West," is our day sun. " But the son of Man's coming is like both the lightning and our day sun. "

Note the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has the word (both) italicized. This word  (both) means two. Therefore:

One, Son of Man comes out of the East in the flesh and blood of Master Fard Muhammad our Spiritual Father like Lighting, as predicted by Jesus of 2,000 years.

And the Honorable Silis Muhammad, is the other Son of a Man who stood up against that Spirit Allah ideology, as taught by the late Imam Warith Muhammad in the Western Hemisphere of the Americas, like a Sun of Truth, spiritually rising in the West.

He is that Son of a Man who sit and Judge men according to their works, within the Lost-Found Nation of Islam. As-salaam alaikum.