The so-called, Negroes' Salvation is their own true religion, Islam, under the guidance of Allah (God), to whom be praised forever by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, peace be upon him.

The History of Jesus and His mother is a Sign of the History of the So-called Negroes, who have been lost from their people for 400 years - who now are found and must be returned to their own; or else every Western (Christian) government will be brought to a naught by the Great God, Allah, under the name of Mr. W. F. Muhammad, "The Mighty Mahdi, the Son of Man," Allah in person.
As I have said and shown in my articles Jesus' history, most of Jesus' history 2,000 years ago is referring to an apostle in the last days, and not of the past. In several places, it is referring to the suffering of Allah (God) three and one half years, trying to get the so-called Negroes under disguise.
History repeats itself. The same race that hated Jesus 2,000 years ago hates Jesus' people (the so-called Negroes) today, and is casting them out. The limited knowledge that the so-called Negroes have of themselves and their enemies' makes them think that the enemies' rejection of them is wrong. But it is not.
It is really their salvation to be rejected by the devil's. The wrong that the enemies are doing to you is that they won't let you go free. Indeed, they won't even allow Allah (God) to do so without war. They won't teach you the truth of self, God, devil or the true religion.
They persecute and kill you without justice. They put fear into you, and that fear makes you harmless like sheep before a pack of hungry, merciless wolves, who stay in you family after the so-called Negro women.
The Poor people (so-called Negroes) and their foolish leaders (preachers) should visit and join onto your own, Islam - from the cradle to the old man and woman leaning on a stick.
You shout and weep, pity poor Jesus' murder and death at the hands of His enemies 2,000 years ago, but it seems as though you should not cry nor weep over your own selves being beaten and killed daily. Yet you say nothing nor do anything about it, but love the enemies.
The parable of us under the title "Lazarus at the Rich Man's Gate" could not give a better type of the so-called American Negroes.

They just won't go for self as long as the slave masters are rich and will allow you to be their servants and make rosy promises to you only to deceive you. But today is very serious for you and for them. Think well and wisely for your future.

Allah (God) and His religion, Islam, are your only friends. The white race is not able to help itself against Allah. So your believing and seeking a future in that race, today, is like one seeking shelter under a spider web from a storm of hailstorms.

The Mother of Jesus well represents a messenger from among you,

Almighty God, Allah is the Father and must protect the infant "baby nation" (the so-called Negroes) whom He is carrying.

This except is from Mr. Muhammad Speaks column by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, October 5, 1957, The Pittsburgh Courier
