The Honorable Silis Muhammad intervention in 2000 fighting for Reparation Except“
Today in the UN, the UN supports, backup everything that Master Fard Muhammad said. I know cause I am there.The UN, they say you are not a human being. That's why you don't have human rights. You are not a human being. The US government say, you are a human being but you are only 3 fifths of a human being. In the Consitution you are 3 fifths of a human being. You are a human being a whole human being. Why is it that the UN did not know you are a human being? It is because - I'm entering my talk now. It is because, America hide you under it's Majority. It hides you because you speak English the same as he. It hides you because you practice Christianity, the same as he. It hides you because you are in his Culture the same as he. So the UN looks at you as you're part of the majority. But they know that you're not the majority. The know that the US and you consider yourself a Minority. They see this.
A Japanese girl told me in Geneva, we know you're over there I'm I speaking clear enough? She said we know that you're over there but nobody is saying anything about it. You won't say nothing about it. You want stand up and say nothing about your rights, so nothing is done about it. The same here that, that the professor was teaching on human rights. Giving the definition of Minority, I was there with an intervention
A intervention is nothing but an argument. But in the international community they call it intervention, its a debate that's going on. When he said minority and begin to define the Minorities. he defined everybody but us. Everybody but the Blackman in America. The Blackman in the Isle the Blackman in Central America, the Blackman in South America, he's defining Minorities, but he left us out. Another gentleman was in the audience and he points out to the professor
Professor you talk about Minorities but you left out of your discussion a group of Minorities that are populated in the United States in Central America and in South America you left them out. At the close of the session I was there for the whole week. This was about 1998.
At the close of that session. The question was asked. Well when you sent out information to the leadership of America do not forget Mr Muhammad, he is here right now and when you send out special repitors to the United States. Be sure to sent out special repitors to him.
He said 1st we must find out where you fit. I said Ah, my argument is right. He saying he don't know where we fit. My argument 1998. I have been going over there 1990 that's about 10 years, I' ve been going there but in 1998 I'm getting a chance to get inside of rooms, in the halls and speaking, speaking about our issue reparations. I'm talking reparations, I have the word minority and we'll connect it up in a minute, you will see.
So at the close of the session he said find out where you fit we don't know where you fit. Well his statement supported my argument. I argued it is unintelligent for us to argue a violation of our human rights. It is unintelligent to argue a violation of Human rights we don't have human rights.. I will connect it upon you in a minute.
I said we don't have human rights.. So it's foolish for us to argue a violation of our human rights.. We don't have any. In the UN human rights are - they have over a decade, 2 decade, decades compiled definitions each year or every so often. They improve upon the definition. So they have established in the UN a definition for Minorities. They say human rights, Minority human rights. And then they give a definition for human rights.
Human rights are you language, that's 1. Human rights, your Culture, 2nd element. 3rd element your religion. Religion is the 3rd element of human rights Culture, Language and Religion these make up your human rights according to the UN definition.
I said we don't have any. We don't have our language. We don't have our language because this Whiteman took it away. The government and the subgovernment of the United States took our human rights, that language away. They took it away and not only did they take it away but they set up programs such that force you not to speak it, They wouldn't even allow us to speak it, and we lost the knowledge of it. We lost the use of it. So we don't have that human right. And Religion, we don't know what our religion was before we came to America, we lost the knowledge of it, that human right. And our culture we don't practice our culture. We lost the knowledge of our culture, because you took our language away I don't - I can't speak it. So we don't have it according to your definition and he, he operates everything on law, like he's doing now with Bush and Gore.
Look at what he's doing, he's pardon me, he said if Gore - Gore said if Bush win the elective, well he will be president and our constitution say he will be president. Bush won the elective Bush said, well count the votes. Gore said, well count the votes by hand, everything by law, he said people didn't vote right, they didn't express their will. We will go to court. In court we'll resolve it by law. So he hinges everything on his law.
Well, we must hinge reparations on his law. I have to give you his law and we will - you will excuse me. I get a little excited. You get a little excited when you know that you're right.
Well I know that I'm right and pardon me if it's bragging. I'm right, not because I'm right, because a man came to America and taught Elijah Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad taught me. I knew a long time ago, you don't have no rights, you're not a human being. I've tried to put it out in America so you could hear it. Fortunately you are here with me today and you are hearing it.
But what the Whiteman is saying in the UN saying the same thing that Master Fard Muhammad has said. He said that you are not a human being. Today the UN said you are not a human being.
Well what is a human being? You got to have a Language, you got to have a Culture and you got to have a Religion. Well, I don't have any of those, I speak English but it's not my language. I practice Christianity but I don't know if I should be practicing Christianity or not. My people when they were in Africa they didn't practice no Christianity.
Well I know now what they practiced, they practiced Islam. They are sons of Abraham. Islam is what they practiced.
I knew this when I read his argument and I put that in there, we don't have human rights. I waited to see whether or not they would agree with me. And they agreed with me.
You don't have human rights and they sent one of the scholars out the same year to do a study on human rights. To do a study and try to figure out a way to include us in the definition of a minority.
I've lost, I say minority is a bid category and under minority is human rights and under human rights are religion, culture and language. And we didn't have any of those. So one of the gentlemans that was present, a subcommisson member that same year was given the assignment, we are teachers fostering human rights. It's our duty to see that every one on the earth has humn rights with the UN. It's their duty to see that every human being on earth has human rights. The Universal Declaration of human rights it fosters and messages that everyone everywhere is entitled to human rights.
Mine are taken away. Now how do we fit that under law? Fit ourselves under law. First we must be a minority. We are not recognized as a minority, you see that? Because we speak English, because we practice Christianity, because we enjoy this culture. We are looked upon as a part of the majority.
But we don't receive the benefits of the majority. We are treated like a minority, so we are a minority. And I asked him where - let me pause for a moment. I didn't ask him. He did it of his own volition. He assigned a man to write a paper. And make Black people in the United States because we have a person here from the United States arguing, throwing it in our face. Write a paper trying to fit Black people in the United States under the definition of Minorities
This year, this year 1999 or 2000. The year 2000 the paper was written. I have it in my hand here, and I went to the working group meeting in May. And the paper was read and was discussed and even the name Black American was mentioned in the paper. Civil Rights movement and the fight for Civil Rights. He speaks that they didn't seek to eliminate only discrimination and separation but they sought to adopt or join themselves on to a majority. He says that it would seem that this attitude is changing. Minority groups based on ethnic and ethical racial differences now seek not mere equality with the majority, but equality plus differences.
He say that if we sought under Martin Luther King to integrate to the extent that we would be absorbed under the definition of majority. but now he is saying or seeing that it is different because I argued that it is different and he wrote a paper pointing out this difference. I won't read the whole paper.
(The editor has skipped to this conclusion) But this paper was argued in the working group and was adopted and accepted and then it becomes a working group paper The working group or subcommissioners that are given special assignments to take care or special projects but they are subcommissioners right, anyway and they were given the assignment to write a working paper and the working paper was written and accepted by the working group.