5/25/19 The Black man

We as a people are indigenous to the earth. We came with this part of our planet when it was separated by an explosion from the moon sixty six trillion years ago. We today are recognized by the United Nations, by and of our choice as Afrodescendants Forced mixed breeding with the Whiteman and his culture resulted in our natural development in the knowledge of self and rendered us a new Nation of people, in the wilderness of North America.

We, Afrodescendants due to the mixing of blood with the Whiteman have mixed natures today: good and evil. We were forced to serve Whites for 400 years. (See Bible, Gen. 15 : 13; Acts. 7: 6-7). In plantation slavery we were lost.. We lost the ability to speak our original tongue, to know our tribal names, culture and religious beliefs.

The Lost-Found Nation of Islam was founded and established on the word of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praises are due. He came in fulfillment of the Holy Qur'an and the Bible, Matthew: 24-27. He is Almighty Allah, God: the beneficent the merciful.

We Afrodescendants were lost, Bible Ezekiel 34: 11 - 13: we needed His help. Master Fard Muhammad raised up and taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; a messenger who was veiled by his teachings as a spiritual woman giving birth mentally (spiritually) to a 'new nation's of people, Bible: 19: 16- 17.

This is the general resurrection, or ethnogenesis, of the entire pkantation slavery diaspora, Holy Qur'an 22 : 5 .

The Lost-Found Nation of Islam's strategies may be gleamed by reading the Holy Qur'an and the Bible now presently in use and not the law books,, although legal training may help, as it has helped my wife, Harriet AbuBakr Esquire. (Queen Misshaki) and me in the United Nations, mostly at Geneva, Switzerland. The one mission of the Lost-found Nation of Islam is divine. It shall be; behold its accomplishment! It is divine. It is known all over the world, and applauded by former Presidents of Egypt and of Iran. From the lips of the Black groups in America is heard today: 'Reparations and Self Determination'.

I am,

Muhammad, Silis
