The Afro descendant Nation - Self Determination 2022 Excerpt

The principal speaker of the event was the Honorable Silis Muhammad, CEO of the Lost Found Nation of Islam.

As salaam alaikum alaikum to all of you. I am extremely happy. I thank each and everyone of you dearly from my heart. I especially want to say to President Mukarram and to Pastor Victoria, thank you, thank you for making my dream come true.

Nationality, nationality, Afro descendant-People of African Descent Verses People of Afro Descendants. In the UN we had travel there maybe two or three times at this particular time time that I'm talking about. And there was a table with subcommissions sitting around it, called Peoples of African Descent. While we already had a table with People of Afro Descendants. We thought that they were the same thing at first.

We went over to People of African descent. We had been at Afro descendant. This table, People of African descent, we stopped at it twice. And the commissions or the officers of the working group of minorities. They whispered to my ear no no no don't go over to People of African Descent you are Afro Descendants go to that table. And we eventually went back to our original table.

People of African Descent-I had this argument there in the UN. And I will get a chance to get into that argument as we proceed.

But first let's understand Nationality, Afro descent: In the Bible Acts Chapter 13, Genesis 15 verse 13. You will notice that a people is going to be in bondage, in a strange land for four hundred years, a land that' not their own. We Afrodescendants have done that. We have in fact did it. We have fulfilled that prophecy. And now we are legally and morally due reparations. No morally sain argument can refute this historical claim.

When, not if, we receive our reparations. We want a land that we can call our own.

We call upon Saudi Arabia to answer this need. For we are the seed of Abraham and  Ishmael. Saudi Arabia errored in the past. When it participated with and created the Homeland for the Jewish People. It can now, Saudi Arabia can now, correct some of its' mistakes in the fulfillment of the books. Both books, Holy Qur'an and Bible.

We entered the United Nations in 1992, my wife Harriet Abu Baker Esquire and me. This black people are damaged. Beginning in 1555 to, to date 2022 we are the plaintiffs and the governments of my people in America, in the Americas are the defendant.

We sought a neutral unbiased tribunal. A third party to hear our case. The United Nations agreed with us or with our thinking in 2002. Also, United Nations aid in embellishing our name Afro Descendant Minority in 2002. And recorded the same in a UN document Afro Descendant. Descendants of Caucasian blood and of African blood. Both in the America and the Americas and the plantation diaspora numbering 250 million.

No question is raised as to the degree of Black blood of white blood. This new minority is both black and white. We are the new black minority.We here will focus on one nation at a time. You Afrodescendants. Africans who were in the Americas and those Nations similar situated are asked to do, what no nation of people in the history of man has ever been asked to do.

There is no precedence to follow, no blueprint, nor is there a definite road to follow. You have only the Bible prophecy of 400 years of slavery and affliction to be observed. Our life's experiences are or is our truth, saids this prophecy has been fulfilled.

Well we all are on edge. Our existence is a living truth. Afrodescendants per chance not any one of you enter the UN in 2022, consciously thinking of us as a Independent Nation. You may have been thinking we are a minority nation only. Well, my wife and I have been thing about an independent nation since 1956 and 1959 respectively to the present date.

It's not realized that you are that. A mixture of black an white blood. That's what you are. You don't like taking about it.  My  wife Harriet Muhammad or Abu Baker esquire and me, we are of the Lost Found Nation of Islam. We are you, the once enslaved African. My wife and me we're the same as you. In my wife's case. Her people are a lighter brighter, damn near whiter variety.  Who suffers from some of those color issues. I had one other statement in there that I want to make. My wife took it out. But she's sitting here. I think I'd go ahead and make it.

I don't mean an embarrassment to her but it more illustrate the point that I'm trying to make. My wife's grandmother in her 90's had difficulties with her mind and stayed in an old folks home. And her son, her son came in to give her a bite to eat. And she said, get this darkie away from me. It shows you that we have a mental problem. We, we black people. We are part white we are part black. If that's a problem for you, get over it.

Think about it. What can you do about it? You're here now. Here we're talking about the new Black Nation that has come about thru rape and intermarriage. The mixing of blood black, white blood and black blood, are in you. Is in me, also is in you. Not only the mixing of blood but also a mixing  of  experiences  of the mind.

African were brought over her to this wilderness of North America in the year 1555 and made slaves. Abraham Lincoln freed the so- called negro or colored people. In the year 1865. The mental bamboozled dead once African had been a slave here at that time for 319 years.

Now when we say mentally dead. We mean a person who does not know his own language. Does not know his own original name. And is unable to speak his own language, with other of his own kind. Our original language have been bamboozled away from us and it is in disarray. The many different thoughts experiences including our religious belief have the ex slaves confused. We must make ourselves human again. In accordance with UN, United Nations defined definition  of human being.

Religion has this new nation in a state of disarray and confusion when it comes to religion of Christianity. When it comes to religion of Orthodox Islam.

Can a person whose mind has been shattered or cannot speak his own language. Know what it sounds like or know what his name sounds like. Can a person really say that Christianity or Orthodox Islam is his or her religion. His mind or her mind has been systematically destroyed. They cannot conclude that Christianity or Orthodox Islam is his or her religion.

Even the learned, the learned Abraham Lincoln, President of the American Government here said the Bible is not my book nor is Christianity my profession. I could never give asset or approval of agreement to the long complicated statements of Christian dogma. You find this in the speeches 1832 to 1858. Plus a slave whose mind is systemically destroyed, does not know what his real name or tongue should sound like.

Has the original man, African been destroyed exposed to ethnogenesis or has his mind awaken?  If you are  Afrodescendants your mind has been awaken or is awakening. Afro descendant you are a mixture of black blood and of white blood. The new Black Nation.

It's difficult to think over that when you are a Muslim, having lived the life of a Muslim, when you are a black person really. It's hard to think that you are not 100 percent black you also got white blood in you white color in you. Look at your grandmother grandfather, your aunts your uncles.

Think over that. You're part black blood part white blood. Now we're not talking about the degree of black blood in you we're not talking about the degree of white blood that's in you or color. We're talking about the new Nation, what has come about, through rape, through mixed breeding. The New Nation is here think over it.

Moreover, President Lincoln stated let us keep the here as our underling. He knew we would serve them they have afflicted us. Extraordinary well beyond 1865. Afflict and inflict means to abode something unpleasant, unwanted on another. The White man has taken every casualties on the negro, his enemy. As he sees us as his enemy aligned with the prophecies of the Bible. See over 467 years of slave history including George Floyd and a multitude of others that the blackman. Does the Blackman view the whiteman as his enemy? Only an enemy would purposefully afflict or inflict another.

The Bible prophecy goes on to state. And that nation whom they shall be afflicted by, will I judge and afterwards will they come out with great substance.  Can this prophecy be made a reality by our exodus from America? Can it be made  now we have did or done or served the 400 years of hell beating, slavery? But we have not exited. we are still here. In order to say that we are the slave children complete. We must exit America. Our exit is called for in that prophecy.

Can we exit America and make that prophecy our word? Who wrote the book if you or your mother or Grandmother's, Grandmother, mother, mother, mother. Your people wrote the book. Let's fulfill it. Yes, it can happen. Oh yes, we can exit out of America. We believe  we are ready to see the rest of the  prophecies of the Bible and Qur'an fulfilled.

Self determination is our aim. We are of the Lost Found Nation of Islam including those Muslims with Minister Louis Farrakhan. Who was asked by me via my wife on February 27, 1994, to represent us at the UN. I today am asking all of you, Minister Louis Farrakhan and those with him, those with me, Silis Muhammad. Those who are or were with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Hebrew Isrealists, Morrish Science Temple, Anita Bell, N Cobra. To you who are with Black Lives Matter, white females - those with Malik Zulu Shabazz, the Black Panther Party, White females all those are in Americas Governments, including  your relatives, your friends and you women of the world, all the yellow Nations, Red Nations, Brown Nations and all black Nations. Women who think as you do, world wide. Will you aid, will you aid in our trying to bring peace to earth. We're trying to bring peace to earth. I say woman because men are generally subject to fight over fish, just to prove who is man. Except those men who know.

In the year 1930 July 4. The so-called African American this new budding nation had been mentally dead to the knowledge of self 379 years, until He came. Pick up the book. Message to the blackman page 55 paragraphs 2 thru 4.

It's only when we come to America and learn the names that our people are going by. That we discover a whole nation of people, 20 million black people are going by the wrong names. They're going by the names of white people. How can a so-called negro in 1930 or African American in 2020, say that his name is Sam Jones a whiteman's name with roots in Europe. When he is a Black man whose roots are in Africa or Asia. My poor deceived, bamboozled, blind, death and dumb people are going by the wrong names.

As in the movie roots. With a whip in his hand a slavemaster said speaking to a captured African. You name is Toby said Toby my name is Kunta Kenta. Until my people except their identity, accept the names of our people and nations. We will never be respected because of this alone. Self identity. Who are the Afro descendants?

In the UN there are the human rights. Many Nations have come together and have decided on what these human rights of each and every individual should be or ought to be, and they voted on it. The most important one of these is the language that - they all are important. But the one that I want to  deal with you on, is mother tongue, this is UN language, UN law. This are govern by the United Nations not by - they're not exactly looked on with favor. Im talking UN law not US law not Great Britain's law.  I'm talking about the law which governs the whole world. The UN's law, the international law, what governs the entire world. It's called ICCPR. The right to your own language, right to culture, right to speak your language with people of your own kind, but here your language, every person has an inherent right to speak his or her mother tongue. Now what do I mean mother tongue. It's what you heard your mother say to you when you were a child. Your mother is speaking your language to you that you should know, learn be educated in, such as chinese, Japanese, or Indian. A black man Nigerian, Ugandan. You do not know your language why? It was taken away. It was taken away. We my wife and I spent 17 years in the UN and around it"s seminars spelling that out to the UN, that you have violated your own law.

We want reparations, not that you are to pay reparations, but we want our person. We need a name to file suit in. Not that language did we speak to the UN. We didn't speak the exact language that I'm speaking to you now. I'm putting it all into a capsule. We had lost the knowledge of that language. We spoke English and other Africans or once Africans from Brazil spoke Spanish or Portuguese. In the meetings that we held in Geneva in Honduras in South America with UN support UN sanctioned meetings we met with 19 Nations discussing what our name should be called. An they came up with the name Afrodescendants. I, my wife was present too. I am trying to force Lost Found people. For about a whole week long I'm arguing Lost Found people they're arguing Afrodescendants.

On that Friday the close of the week. I'm told that you have a meeting tonight at the restaurant. I had argued all day long we should not be called this Afrodescendant we need a definition for that name. What is the definition of the words Afro descendant how do you define it? Can't say people of African descent. Those people come over freely of their own thoughts on their own free will. We are not people of African descent we are Afrodescendants. What is the definition for Afrodescendants? The group had no definition for people of Afrodescendant. I knew that I had a meeting later on that night with the leader, president of the group I was with. .I sat down and - with my wife and scrambled to write out - voice out a definition. Both myself and my wife and Ida Hakeem was the acting secretary. She wrote down on a piece of paper what we had come up with as definition for the words Afrodescendants, this is the time that I had spoken to you, at other times I called it my acquiescence or our acquiescence from Lost Found People to Afro descendant. I did meet that night with the president, a Cuban lady she sat cross in front of me, a UN interpretor at to my left, my wife sat to my right. I am in font of the president an she asked what you want to see me about? My thought was I didn't ask to see you.  I'm told I got a meeting.  I'm here for that. When she said what do I want to see you about?  

.I just put my hand in my pocket knowing that she didn't speak English. I handed the note I had  to he UN interpretor. And he read of the first definition.

African descent, people who were forcibly dispossess of their homeland avenue. I saw a little Smurf on her face.

And I told him to read on. He's reading in Spanish. Were transported to America and the diaspora, for the purposes of enslavement. I saw another little smurf on her face.

Was subjected to slavery I saw a bigger Smurf on her face.

Were subjected to force mixed breeding and rape having experience through force the loss of mother tongue. At this point in time I see her not laughing but a smile Smurf on her face.

I'm saying to myself. My definition worked.  When we got through with the definition. She reached across the table gave me a big Cuban hug. I gave her a back hug. And after that, all people in the restaurant were just watching us at table any way. They were our audience. They were at the meeting  earlier today. They happen to see get my butt whip because I am - I didn't know it at that time but I am an ugly American. And thet don't want to follow no ugly American . I got my suit on whatever, and I'm doing the American thing. I'm dressing like I always dress, with a suit on. They are not as kept up with American as you may think and they don't want to be ruled by an American.

I can't blame them. They're proud of what the have and what they are. I can't blame them. Im proud of what I am and to something or where I"m going. And  they are just as proud. They  are not about to submit to no American just because I got a suit on or a Rolex. I'm not conscious of those things at that time. I'm conscious of it now. If I am invited again back among them I know how to give up this suit.

Well we came together. I got one of greatest greatest embraces from one of my brother's brother there in La Cheba. It was a lot like unto a Muslims embrace but it was more felt. It was foot to foot, knee to knee  arm to back chest to chest. Feel my heart beat. He could feel my heart beating and I could feel his heart beating. He's a strong brother, one that I have never forgotten. I met up with them again in Peru in 2006.

In short, I met brothers and sisters in my visiting  in the UN and learning how to speak to people and speak to people in the UN and not wearing Islam as my crunch. Wearing Islam is in my person. I am naturally a Muslim. But I'm cautious just about every day for the first two or three months. Don't say Elijah Muhammad don't say Master Farad Muhammad. You can't speak your religion in the UN. But had to camouflage it. But I didn't lose that, Muhammad is still my man.

Just before I close. I just want to read what Messenger Muhammad said, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We know how the Devil has made us ugly, disfigured and what not. We don't want to be like that. So he told me out of His own mouth that will be a different people. So I don't think you have to ask me that. Will he make us ugly? Meaning because we're mixed with white blood, skin, we're part white part black. Some individuals are asking the Messenger. Is that going to to make us ugly? The Messenger is telling them. No, don't you worry about that. He can just leave us alone we are already that. We already ugly just leave us alone. We'll make ourselves pretty.

After a person has given you the knowledge the right guidance then you  necessarily have to express that in your person. If you want to look ugly it's because you don't have the knowledge of how to clean yourself up. But Messenger Muhammad gave the Lost Found Nation of Islam. Exquisite knowledge, knowledge of self and we began cleaning self up. Thus we began to look clean. One more thing.

Hagar this is Abraham's wife, Sarah's maid was from Africa, Egypt. Ishmael her son was the son of Abraham. He is or was your prototype, Ishmael. He is a prior model of you. You are the original man. The very first. The seed of Abraham, a friend of God, Allah.

I want to thank you and pastor Victoria for putting this venue on for me. It is your heritage. Mecca, Arabia, your birthright. You were kicking around on the ground in childish fashion. In this mountainous area surrounding Mecca Arabia. When water spring forth from the ground caused from your kicking. Your mother Hagar rush over to care for you. And of her thirst, she took a drink of what seem sweet fresh water. This action is demonstrated today as a ritual by many many muslims called pilgrimage.

I venture this pilgrimage, this evidences our coming into view, this new Black Nation, Afrodescendants, coming into view. I'll stop here.
