Separation, Reparation, and Taxation.

As salaam alaikum; please take your seats. In the name of Allah. The Beneficent, the Merciful. The Beneficent, the Most Merciful. The Lord of all the worlds, who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praises are due forever. I want to follow behind my wife with that particular statement so that you do not misinterpreted the prayer to mean that we are talking about some other God, other than Master Fard Muhammad. And just in case it might be interpreted within that prayer that we had reference to, or that some reference was paid to prophet Muhammad of Arabia of 1,400 years ago, peace be upon him. Yes, we love him, but there was no reference made to him in that prayer.
If a reference was made to a messenger in that prayer, that reference is made to the most honorable Elijah Muhammad. The last and greatest messenger of Almighty God Allah.
This statement that I made when I came forward, As-salaam alaikum. Certainly, you know that means peace. But there's a certain way you've got to behave inside of self, in order to appreciate even the words, As-salaam alaikum, and understand the words peace. You just can't have peace without truth. Truth is essential to peace they are inseparable. You just have to have truth if there is going there is going to be peace. Truth cannot exist where there is chaos, wrong doing, unrighteousness, deceit exercise amongst yourselves.
How can you say As-salaam alaikum deceiving your brother your sister when you say As-salaam alaikum. If you really understand the words. This is not my subject.
It's just a good feeling to be standing in the position where regardless to what happens you win. I don't care what happens I will win. Why will I win? For I am standing on the side of truth. I want truth to win. Truth will win. Truth shall win. Whether I live to see it or not, it will win. What is Truth? Truth is Allah. Who is Allah ? Allah is you, the Black man and woman in America. You are Allah the Truth! All you got really to do, is just stand up and be it.
If the Honorable Elijah Muhammad peace be upon him, returns today I win. If I am found to be in error teaching an untruth, and some other man takes this place and position, I win. I want truth to succeed that's what I stand for, regardless to who's bringing it forward. If it ain't truth, however, expect to hear from us, who believe in truth.

Bear with me. I plan to be with you for a little while today. I feel like I usually don't feel, I do feel like teaching. This is a job I most hate to do, is get before you and teach. But today, I feel pretty good about teaching. In fact, I might even try and be an orator today.
This truth that I have reference to. You don't really need to pick up a Bible or the Holy Qur'an to find it. It's all around you. You are living it in this very moment. These are the days of truth. These are the days that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad peace be upon him told us about. You can open up the book, the Bible or the Qur'an and can have found, prior to the coming of our Savior Master Fard Muhammad to whom all praises are due, you can have found prophecy. You can have have found prophecy before the coming of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, or before he was raised up by our Savior Master Fard Muhammad, today if you look at the Qur'an if you look at the Bible you are looking at history. To a great extent you are at the very edge of the Qur'an and of the Bible, closing out that period and bringing in the new world. That new period is a day that isn't recorded in the book. There are no books yet, that are revealed or produced for you to read, and to determine what's going to be the future. If you do not look back at what Master Fard Muhammad and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad laid down for you and projected for you. You have no other guide except that truth that you live in today, which is within your person. There are no books at this hour, that are yet manifested in English for you to read, for guidance. You must listen to that heartbeat in yourself. You must listen to those words. Those devine words of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, peace be be upon him. Open his books Message to the Blackman, the Fall of America, Our Saviour Has Arrived. Listen to his tapes, if you want the directions of where it is you are right now and are going. Look back at what he said, listen to the heartbeat of yourselves, allow the truth to surface in yourselves. Stop doing those things that are wrong for which you have a need or a reason to lie for. Start speaking the truth. You could then hear the truth in the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. You'll be able to see it in his works, in his books. You'll be able to see that this day is the day of the living truth.

I came prepared to lecture to you on the subjects Separation, Reparation and Taxation. That seems to be three subjects rolled into one. And we could have quite easily broken them down and given an hour or two on each. But this day, I have chosen to speak to you of three, and show you how that they are interconnected. And show you how you all fit within all three.

There is a Greater Separation. There exists also a Lesser Separation or a smaller separation. The Greater separation is the separation of the two Dominate Forces, on the earth. The separation of the Black from the White. Or the separation of God from the Devil. Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad the Last Messenger have well established the separation that's called, the Great separation, the separation of the two dominate forces on the earth, or the Two Dominate people, the Black people, the White people or God and the Devil. There are hence in the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in his works that there will occur a Smaller or a Lesser separation. Today you are living within it. Whether you are cognizant of it or not. You are living within a split or a brake up of the Nation of Islam. That Smaller or that Lesser Separation. It feels bad. And the majority of Muslims that I have had an opportunity to speak with, feel very badly about the fall of the Lost and Found Nation of Islam. Some have said to me, Silis Muhammad, why do you act against or attack Spiritually, one in our own race? I'm not talking about an enemy said this to me. I'm talking about one very close to me. The National Representative of the Nation of Islam, who works with me just on yesterday, said to me. I feel badly to see the Nation of Islam scattered, all shattered, all torn apart. I wish that it was, as it was, when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was alive. What's wrong with our people what's going on Silis Muhammad, why did you challenge or attack one of our own, one within our own race. That question is also put to me by another who is not so close or dear to me or near to me as Minister Kubu Abu Kuss. And I think that his writings sums up the feelings in the majority of the Muslims today, and not only the feelings in the majority of the Muslims today, but the black man, in general. I'd like to read to you, the question put to me by this black brother. It quite very well sums up the feelings held today in the hearts and mind of the majority of our people. It is concerning an article a month ago of an article wherein I point to one of our own race. He writes to me the letter in these words a question is put. As far as I could determine. your article was sorely written, to lay out the facts as you see them. Now if you would follow up an open solution specifying why it was more important to expose the enemy you perceived within our race, rather to expend your resources on the open enemy the traditional devil, who continues to openly torment our people. I am of no doubt that the common good of the Black people would have been served. I have responded to my brother and I offer you that response, with the thought in mind of satisfying what might also be troubling you with respect to my act and actions. I responded to the brother in this wise. If you are suggesting to me that my message was written sorely and my resources could have been best spent attacking the traditional devil, as opposed to one of our brothers. I can appreciate your tender position. Below I shall offer a follow up. It was one of our own kind working against us, who was the father of the devil race. As you are probably aware. His name was Yacub. He was a Black man. Here one of our own, attacked and worked against our race. Thus we find ourselves in this present position today serving Yacub made devil race. Let me say in advance before going forward. I do not write to insult your intelligence by stating what you perchance already know, nor do I write to make mockery of the devil race. As it is the very nature of the devil to do evil. It is the very nature of the Black man to seek good. Thus it is only natural for it to be irksome to you to see a Black man attacking another Black man in our own race. However it was found to be very necessary for Mr. Yacub and the works of Mr. Yacob to be Spiritually attacked by our Saviour Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praises are forever due, upon His coming. The Great Arch Deceiver, the White Race, were taught by their father Yacub for 6,000 years, how to teach that God is a Spirit, a Spook, and not a Man. Our Saviour taught this to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who published said teachings in his book, Message to the Black man page 30, the Messenger continues. In grafting of his people, the white race. Mr. Yacob taught his people. To contend with us over the Reality of God by asking by asking us of the where abouts of that first one who created the heavens and the earth.? And that Yacub said, we cannot do. Because of our falling into slavery, becoming the slaves of Yacub made devils, victims of his teachings today called Christianity it became very necessary for our Saviour Master Fard Muhammad to whom all praises are due to come to find us and to teach us the truth, as you know for our salvation. Not for the salvation of the Open Enemy, the Traditional Devil race. He came from the East. He came alone. It was His mission, or it was mission of Master Fard Muhammad after judging between the Black and the white race. To expose the Open Enemy the Traditional Devil and bring about an end to Mr. Yacob's work, and his made devils. Messenger Elijah Muhammad continue the teachings and the message of our Saviour Master Fard Muhammad without change until he passed away, peace be upon him. It has been pointed out that Mr. Yacub's was one who's work was against our race. Then following the passing away of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Wallace Muhammad one of our own, attack the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the works of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and our Saviour too. He, Wallace Muhammad sought to re-establish in our race, the teaching of a belief, in an Unseen Mystery God. It was the same teachings in principal as was given by Mr. Yacub to his followers on which they contended with us. He Wallace Muhammad establish himself over the Nation of Islam and commence to influence the mind of the followers there within. Misguiding them from the path upon which Messenger Elijah Muhammad had sat them. Thus about two and a half years. I, Silis Muhammad standing alone, believing it to be for the benefit of our race. Found it very necessary to attack Wallace Muhammad and the teachings of Wallace Muhammad. In Declaration of Spiritual War. It was on August 21,1977.

He was one of our own, who had been in hiding tearing down the Nation of Islam. It was not the Open Enemy the Traditional Devil who tore down the Nation of Islam. Although the devil did play his part in it. Wallace Muhammad did have control over the Nation of Islam and influence over the followers and others of our race. I hate to think what might have happen to the Nation of Islam had I not attacked him. For the Nation of Islam was no more. It had been destroyed. It was the World Community of Islam
The World Community of Islam had replaced it. Minister Louis Farrakhan was at that time a Minister serving under Wallace Muhammad still at that time, as recorded. He allegedly believed in the God, Allah whom Wallace Muhammad represented. Later and before Louis Farrakhan had taken a stand. Ministers Bernard Cushmere congratulated me on the one hand. For my having had the courage to stand against Wallace Muhammad to re-establish the Nation of Islam, on the other hand, they censored me for Announcing I am, The Prophet Like Moses. Looking in retrospect many followers of Messenger Elijah Muhammad can now see the necessity and the benefit to the Nation of Islam, of my having attacked the teaching of Wallace Muhammad. Some have said that attack did precipitate Louis Farrakan's break with Wallace Muhammad.

There was indirect contact between Louis Farrakhan and me, via Bernard Cushmere at the time the attack was in progress. And there was direct contact between Louis Farrakhan and me, at least twice before he stood up. It was arranged by Benard Cushmere. I was reestablishing the Nation of Islam and teaching already.

I solicited Minister Louis Farrakhan's help each time we met. He said on one occasion: You have your work your do, I have mine. That was near thirteen years ago. Today, my open attack against the teachings of Wallace Muhammad re-established the teaching and the name of the Last Messenger of Allah in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the name of our God and Saviour, Almighty God Master Fard Muhammad to whom praises are due forever.

While I did not personally or universally re-establish the name of our Saviour and of our Messenger indirectly that act August 21st, 1977 resulted in that which you see today regarding the reestablishment of the Nation of Islam. The Open Enemy the Traditional Devil did not, could not, cannot stop me by the offer of money, or the threat of death. It has been my Muslim brothers who have sought to block me, stop me, and threaten me with death. Pardon me dear reader if it appears I am blowing my own horn. I know best what happen during that time and why. I set it in motion.

Comes now, Silis Muhammad to state: Why have I openly attacked one in our own race. I have attacked spiritually the teaching of Louis Farrakhan and have Identified him as the 2nd Beast of Revelations 13:11. I have attacked him for the same reason for which I attacked the works of Wallace Muhammad and have identified as the 1st beast of revelations 13:4. Contrary to the belief of the majority and yet not in consistent with the belief of the majority. The beast of Revelations 13, do apply to the Traditional Devil, and I Quote "as we see it today" said, Messenger Elijah Muhammad during his lifetime, that same scripture applies today to the Heads, rising up out of the Nation of Islam and I quote, "which the disbelievers shall eat from." said Messenger Elijah Muhammad also, "they would be as the Heads of Serpents." continued Messenger Elijah Muhammad the both of them taught an anti-message, to the message of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, peace be upon him, and of our Saviour misguiding the people as like the Open Enemy, the Traditional Devil held the power this nation and thereby influence the minds of our people through the false teaching of Christianity both Louis Farrakhan and Wallace Muhammad in hiding siege, the power over the Nation of Islam and influence the mind of our people through the teaching of an anti-message of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Louis Farrakhan attached name of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, to his anti-message, and Wallace Muhammad attached the name the Body Christ to his. For example, Wallace Muhammad taught he did not have a doomsday message.
If America is falling said he, he would catch it, and hold it up. He opened up the Temple, the Mosque, to whites trying to save them. Louis Farrakhan stated on the nationally televised, Phil Donahue show on March 13th 1990, that he wanted to, save America. He said further that while some blacks could Migrate back to Africa other black could stay here in America and build a future for their family. On the other hand, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the United States of America is doomed to total destruction. See Message To The Black man page 17. He taught that Master Fard Muhammad to whom all praises are due said, that America is one, to be destroyed. See Message to the Black man page 17. Moreover, he taught all the plagues, destruction, and judgement which Allah used to destroy the wicked, and the disobedient. Note that they are different. The Wicked applies to the Devil. The Disobedient applies to you. Let me repeat all the plagues, the destruction, and the judgement which Allah God used, to destroy the wicked and the disobedient from the time of Adam until this day, will be brought up on America. Then she will be burn with fire. See Fall of America page 198. Thus I found it very necessary to spiritually attack also Minister Louis Farrakhan and his teaching. In order to recapture the original posture and direction of the Nation of Islam. It was he who at this time, held the power over Nation of Islam and thus the influence over the mind of our people. It was not the Open Enemy the Traditional Devil, he, being a well-known popular figure and orator before the Messenger of Allah pasted away and I, an unknown at the time, he, Louis Farrakhan captured the attention of the masses of the followers and of the people then, he exerted himself as leader over the Nation of Islam. His attempt was to surreptitiously steal, that which he did not have the courage of his conviction in belief to take, when the time came, or to perish in the attempt. He did not take charge immediately upon the departing of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as ordered, or told, or hinted about. He turned hypocrite, became a minister for, and a follower of Wallace Muhammad, for a period greater than two years. He was found in that state following Wallace Muhammad when I returned, and attack Spiritually, Wallace Muhammad for misguiding the people. Thus, it was not I, Silis Muhammad, who originated the attacks up on ourselves. Nor am I found lacking in courage to live my belief, it is in truth. I am but of truth, born as a result of thousands of years of our attacks against our own race. For the ultimate benefit of our people and peace on earth. Peace shall come, when truth over powers falsehood. Truth will overpower falsehood, when men, specifically black Muslim men and women holds the spoken truth uttered or known as having a greater value over his or her own individual self. Allah he is the truth. I have already answered to you, what that has to do with Separation, the subject that you said you would teach. I recall you to the statement. The Greater Separation and the Lesser Separation. There was in the scriptures a reference to a separation of the wheat from the goat, or the wheat from the tare. You did not hopefully that was a carrying out there in the Christian Church. There is little concern in the Christian sociate, about whether drink on the Friday night and attend Sunday service. There is little concern out there as to whether or not you smoke or sniff cocaine on Friday, and attend the Christian Church on Sunday. There is little concern out there as to whether or not whether there's a Spirit God, or whether God is a Man. But in here inside of the Nation of Islam. it is a no no . It is against the rules the laws to smoke cocaine, to sniff cocaine, to drink the whiskey, to fornicate. It is against the laws even to lie.

That separation that Lesser Separation, that Smaller Separation has occur here within the Nation of Islam. Bearing witness to the scriptures, bearing witness to our Saviour Master Fard Muhammad to whom all praises are due. Bearing witness to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as being the Last Messenger of Allah. For you are separated, the Nation of Islam has fallen apart. You are the living truth behold, it's all around you. The Smaller, the Lesser Separation was to bring about that, Separation between those of you who were within the Nation of Islam but were yet Disobedient from those you who were within the Nation of Islam that are Obedient. That Separation, that occurred within the Nation of Islam among the Disobedient, was to separate those of us who believe in the teaching of Yacub and that False God, from those who believe, that there is no God but the Son of Man. Among our ranks, in our ranks, in the first resurrection. Most all of us said Almighty God, Allah appeared in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. But while all of us said that, not all of us believed it. The truth is all around you. While some of us said, we believe the Black man is God. There were others around us who said they were Muslims, who also said that we believe it, but they were making mockery only. They did not believe that the Black man is God. They did not believe that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is Last and the Greatest Messenger of Allah. Some of them did not believe that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a messenger at all. But yet they were within our ranks. There had to occur a separation. And a man a flesh and blood human being had to bring it about. For the true Muslim do not believe in Spirit God. There is no God that is a Spirit, God is man.

What is the outgrowth of this disturbance, of this turbulence you might call it, within side of the Nation of Islam. Where does it aim us? Where does it leave us? It leaves us with the pure in heart. It leaves us with the True Believer. It leaves us with those who truly believe in their heart, in their bloodstream, the very marrow of their bone, that there is no God besides the human being man. As taught by the last Messenger the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Who was indeed the last and Greatest Messenger of Allah as given to him or impregnated in him by a man, a flesh and blood human being. A physical person who walked on this earth. Who measured an weighed this universe and gave you the answers to the questions. Who decided that the Whiteman was the Devil and that you were God between them. He, Master Fard Muhammad a human being man. Which of us in the Nation of Islam, truly believe that? Which of us can live the truth? The life that He taught and brought.

There needed to be a Separation, it has occurred. You are the result of it. You are living it. It's all around you. These are the days of the manifest truth.You don't really need to look at the Qur'an except to reference now to see what's going to happen and check now to see if it did.
You don't really need to use the Bible except for a reference to check to see what was to happen and to look today and see if it did. Master Fard Muhammad did come. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad did rise up. A nation was established, a Lost and Found Nation of Islam that was destined to separate from America. Not to integrate with America but to come out of her and establish a Nation of your own. Do you believe that this was what the Separation the Smaller or the Lesser separation was about? You are the living examples of it.

The result of it, is the creation, the establishment of the truth. According to the scriptures: There was to be establish, the Kingdom of God. In Gods kingdom, there must live Gods. If it's Gods kingdom, only Gods live within that kingdom. God is a Man, a Flesh and Blood human being. Who walks, talks eats, sleep, bear children, gives birth to children, lives in a house, watches the news on TV, rides airplanes, uses all five of his senses, and if he is equip the six one, if had has matured to it as yet. God is a man who speaks truth. I don't mean he go to the Bible, a see a statement in the Bible and comes back and say here's truth. No he is one who says to you. I just left work and that's the truth. This is the hour for truth, for men and for women to speak the absolute truth without spot or blemish. without erring from it in the least. If you expect to be honored as Gods, you must not lie, tell a single lie. You must not fornicate, commit adultery. You must be God. Let that beneficence explode in you. Let it surface God, Allah. You are the Beneficent, the Compassionate God. Who could be more loving more kind than you? What other people can possibly establish God's Kingdom on earth, other than you? Master Fard Muhammad did not come to save the Christian devils. He did not come to save America. He came to separate you from America, before it is destroyed. You are God. You needed to hear the truth or to be exposed to it. To see whether or not you will except it before the destruction of this world. I do have a dooms day message. If America is falling you cannot expect Silis Muhammad to catch it and hold it up. For the evil acts done to you, my Saviour Master Fard Muhammad said, He would eat rattle snakes to save you. And I would give my life to save America, hah! Against the wishes of my God. On coming here today, I was fore-warned be careful Silis Muhammad somebody might eat you up. you have a lot of nerve, talking to me like that. They should be more afraid today, than am I.

Can God's Kingdom or the Kingdom of God be established in the boundaries of the American system? Excuse me, now I have left the Lesser separation. I am going now to the Greater Separation, the Separation of our Black Nation from the White Race. Can God's Kingdom be established in the boundaries of the American system? Even the American system itself said of itself, it is falling. The schools that our children go to have led them to dope, prostitution, lethargy and despair. The universities that our children have gone to, can not save them here in this America.

The Christian Church has failed them and these both are supported by the American government. Consequently you can look at the American government and say that it too has failed Black man. We cannot look to the American civil institution or it's federal institution for your salvation. Your salvation is the separation from this nation.

You not to get guns or bombs to try and destroy this America. Someone else has that job. You are to escape the destruction. America cannot house the Kingdom of God. America system would infest Gods kingdom, as like it infest Gods kingdom today. Gods Kingdom those special children, these few precious ones, whom the Bible refer to as the hundred and Forty-Four thousand. I pray that you are more. You must escape the destruction.

You must have a land that you can call your own. There are certain blacks in America who don't want to separate from America. They say, what's wrong with America? I don't want to live with black people. You are so unorganized, so disruptive. I choose to live in America. I don't wish to separate with you. Here is a person for the most part, speaking not cognite of really of what they are saying. For upon close examination, you will find in America. That the majority of Black people live already today separated. You already live today on your own side of town. You already live today in a black community. Your neighbor is a black person. You neighbor children are black. Yes there are some exceptions. There are a few of us blacks who have migrated in all totally white neighborhoods. But those same black persons who have migrated in totally white neighborhoods still have difficulty catching a cab because they are black. And the cab driver thinks because he or she they are black; they are going to get robbed. Those persons who have migrated or integrated into all white neighborhoods, he does not have conveniences of the banking institutions as the whites in the same neighborhood. You already live separately from the whites here. Can't you see that. You don't have to be a collage graduate or a genius just to look about you, to see that you are already living a separate and distinct life. They don't even have the back ground that you have. You slavery experiences makes you a different person. Even you prefer associating with black people don't you.

What's integrated is your money. That's what's integrated. But indeed, you are separated. And the truth is you really prefer it. There are a sufficient number of black people who know today how to run a government. How to run just about anything you can find in America. And if you don't know we can learn. According to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we are supposed to spend some 20 odd years studying any on some of this earth or somewhere in Africa.

The particular subject is not specified that it would not be how to grow food for yourself. But if you are in the habit of learning. Certainly you can learn that. How to make clothing for yourself. How to build homes for yourselves. You don't need the whiteman any longer you can separate from him. He is only a two-legged human being. He cannot be greater than that. He does not have, a Great Powerful God backing him up. His god is not more powerful than truth. You don't have to be afraid of him.

You can separate from him. You don't have to be afraid to live with yourselves. The only reason you are afraid is because. You still, some of you, want to sneak, tell lies, trick one another out of something. If you would change those habits recognize that you are a righteous human being direct from the family of God Allah. That you are in fact Allah, God in person. You could be set in heaven overnight, whenever you decide to do right. If you did right, you would not have a reason to lie. You could speak the truth. You would prefer perhaps being around others who could speak the truth without erring. And who would those others be? They would have to be a people like yourselves, who could speak the truth. Who would not commit adultery with your wives. Who would not be trying to sell you a ten dollar watch for a hundred fifty. Honesty and honor, that's 'what you God, Allah are about. When will you stand up and live it?

It's all around you. Everybody sees what you do. Every Blackman can hear, and woman. You can see, you know the difference between right and wrong. You can hear the truth from the lie. The more bent you are in speaking the truth, the greater will that perception be aroused in you. The whiteman can't do it. He cannot live the perfect truth. For in the history books the Bible, because he is of his father a lier. And the works of his father he will do. You are of your father, a truthful speaking person. And the works of your father you should be able to hear and do.

This Integration with the White race, where does it lead? Does it lead to your ultimate independence? does it lead to Having control over the destiny of your own children. Believe me it doesn't. This is why our Saviour taught us separation.

This question today of reparations is raised. Certainly, Blacks in this country deserves reparations. I'm entering now into another part of my lecture. For the evil acts done unto us by this government. In the heart of just about every Blackman and woman it's believed this country owes us reparations. Here in one of the last issue of the Chicago Defender, the subject of separation is raised. And I point this out in connection with integration. So that you might be able to see clearly the direction and to which to go. The city council is urging congress to support a resolution that will create a commission to study payment for African Americans whose fore parents were held in slavery. Alderman Madeline Carter has introduced a resolution in support of type US Representator John Conyers proposal to create a commission to study reparations for African Americans. If, look at the word, if approved by congress. when the question of reparations is put before congress by Black congressman. If congress approves the commission, not the payment of reparations. If congress approves the commission or the bill. It will create a chartered commission to study what impact slavery had upon black.

Not Black, American or Afro-American and the nation. And recommend a remedy which would include payment of reparations. If it's passed, if congress excepts it. A commission would then be instituted. And this commission would then study to see whether or not it's warranted. Your destiny is in the hands of the white man or it is in your own. Or in the hands of Allah. This commission bases it's claim around the argument that was allege or asserted by the Japanese during world war two. That when the Japanese attacked pearl harbor. The American people and government became frighten that the Japanese living out on the west coast would attack America from within. And they rounded up the Japanese people on the west coast and elsewhere but predominantly on the west coast and placed them in concentration camps and left them there for a period.

Now upon their release at the end of the war. The question was raised for our freedom which you took, we want reparations. This has now been approved. And the Japanese are now. receiving reparations. But let's now understand the question first. What is reparations?

Reparations broadly speaking, is the payment of one nation to another nation for a wrong done against that nation. The Japanese while they are citizens of the American government they have a nation that backs them. That they can turn to or that supports them that exchanges goods with America. That America has to listen to under to keep some kind of friendly relationship so there is a pressure up on America for the benefit of the Japanese people living in America to pay reparations.

You are citizens of America. What nation is there who will bring a pressure or some kind of political relationship which you bear upon America. To demand that America do not consider that question if they should consider the question if she will pay reparations. But that insists upon America paying reparations. You in your heart know that you deserve them. But where is your nation? Where and what government do you have that can bring pressure upon this government?

You say Allah will do it. Yes, Allah will do it. Just like Allah does everything else through a flesh and blood human being a man and a woman. But All demands that you have a nation that will represent you to this nation in your demand to this nation. Otherwise your claim, your proposal, your suggestion to the government for the payment of reparations, will remain a if, or a study, or a consideration, which the white man can continue to sluff off and sluff off and push back. You need a nation. Our God and Saviour, Almighty God Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, brought you a nation. He came - He, a man came, with a government upon his shoulder. The government of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam.

You were lost before He came, He found you. And the name of the nation which He assigned you is the Lost and Found Nation of Islam. When you become the strong and powerful united Lost and found Nation of Islam again. Then will America listen to your cry and your demand.

But America works her magic and her miracles upon our people upon this leader and that black leader to keep you in division. To keep many of you thinking a Spirit God is going to do this for you. No spirit god is going to do anything for you. In the name of God or Allah. You are Allah.

Master Fard Muhammad Almighty God Allah it is told when He got ready to leave, He said to Elijah the last messenger of Allah well you don't need me anymore. I'm leaving now. It is said that the messenger said to him, yes I do. He said back to him no you don't. What did he mean? You don't need me anymore. He had given the messenger of Allah enough information. enough guidance enough teaching to guide us out of America. And in the period of forty four years the messenger of Allah establish that teaching and built the lost and found nation of Islam. That which America had a fear for that which America wish not to see again. That which you should wish to see again, but righteous.

Why must it be righteous. So that the people the black people and people all over the earth will truth it. What brings about trust? When you speak the truth. If a person never catch you lying. They will learn to trust your words. Thus trust in you. And if a nation of people like us would stand up and speak the clear pure truth consistently, every day of our lives, with every breath that comes out of our mouth. Our people would learn to trust us and depend upon us. And from that position we can start building our nation and our government, on truth. If reparations were paid to you. Let's say that America all of a sudden did decide to become generous and pay you reparations yet you are not a nation. Who would be paid yo monies? What ruler what leader what person what community would you trust with the money if America decided to become generous and give it to you. Name me one person, one group. In whom you put your faith and your trust. As like you today deposits your monies in the white bank. That kind of trust that you have in the devil. What black man can you put that trust in. What black congressman can you put that trust in. Wouldn't he have to speak the truth. Wouldn't he have to be following which messenger Muhammad laid down. And what if he did not want separation. What if he wanted to integrate. Would you trust him? Can you trust an integrationist?

The offer of integration is hypocritical and is made by those who try to deceive the Black people into believing that their four-hundred-year-old Open Enemy of freedom, justice, and equality, is all of a sudden, their friends. Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing, that the time in history has arrived for the separation from this white nation. Why did he say that? If America would today all of a sudden pay reparation. How would you spend it? Let alone, to whom should it be given. If it were given to you. What would be the ultimate end? You would spend it right back in America. You would be spending it to keep America alive. Against the wishes of Almighty God Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, who said that America is doom. You would spent it just like you spend your pay check today. To make the white man rich. In less than 30 years it would probably all be spent. So, when the Whiteman, ask Silis Muhammad, well you want Reparations how much? I won't be talking about how much. I would say to him don't be asking me, how much. Ask me, what I want?

Since the Honorable Elijah Muhammad didn't talk to you about money. Don't be expecting Silis Muhammad to talk to you about money. This is what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad want. Let me tell you what He want. Then I'll tell you what I want. This is what he said, 15 years ago. What he wanted when asked about the question. The question of reparation. It's not that we don't want it. Yes, we want it we don't want America to get it back. So rather than money per se. What we want, we want our people in America-What the Muslims want number four. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own, either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land.

Do we want an integrated land? No, we want a separate land that we could call our own. We don't want you to get the reparation money back. We want to keep it in our land. We want to develop our own economy. Our own political system. We want to worship our own God in our own manner. We want control of our own destiny. We want to be presidents own country. He said,we believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs. In this separate territory for the next 20 - 25 years. That was 15 years ago. We were approximately between 25 and 30 strong. What is it we want today? We want some land. We can call our own. A separate land the same the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wanted. We are a little bit greater in number than we were 15 years ago. So rather than you help us for 20 to 25 years we want you to assist us from 40 to 60 years. Since we number about 40 million. But we want land, whatever that land cost. Whatever it cost for you to establish us on it, that's the cost. Whatever it costs not to get equipment to raise food, to build homes. to make clothing that's the amount of money we want. For the next 40 to 60 years whatever that cost is. That's the cost.

Now he said needs. Supply us with our needs. We may need some other kind of relationship with another country. We may also need some gold. Because we would like to print our own money. With the picture of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. On the first bills. That's what we want that's how you can pay us, Mr. Donaldson. You are messing with the wrong brother. Now while we wait for you to address those questions and while you my people, consider the path you walk upon. And whether or not you will now change. We want in the interim for all black people. Every black person whether they separate from America or not. Whether they aim at the establishment of God's kingdom or not. We want all black people in America who are the offsprings of slaves to be exempt from all taxation. I'm talking about while you consider whether, you are going to pass the bill. Exempt us now today from taxation. That's what we want now.

We want all black attorneys, exempt from taxation. All black doctors, exempt from taxation. All black corporation, Black glamorous, black businessman, exempt from taxation. We want all School teachers, textile engineers to be exempt from taxation. We want all common laborers to be exempt from taxation, immediately while you decide if you are going to pay us reparations. For every day that we are going to remain in America we want all black people regardless of their income should be exempt from taxation. Why should we be exempt from taxation? Because it's wrong. It's a blatant wrong for you to tax us equally, and by the measure that you tax the white man. We are not equal in this Society with the white man.

Why should we pay equal taxes? That's why you should exempt us morally right. I am going to try and find a way, and I pray for all smart intelligent attorneys to help me find to show you how it's illegal wrong, to not exempt us from taxation now. Why? Because our tax dollars go to support white supremacy. How do you mean? I mean that every one of us who work and who pay the tax dollar to the educational system of this country from the first grade through college you have state supported schools that we pay taxes to. And in these schools we Are Taught white history the white system the white structure the white culture. One month out of a year we are taught black history. Thus, we are perpetuating, paying for the suppression of ourselves through by paying you our tax dollars.

Here recently in the city of Atlanta one of our black congressmen. Ah commissioners went to the bank to get a loan. To refurbish his house, he's a government official. He went to the bank to get a loan to refurbish to make a neat. And the bank turned him down. The bank said that your house is in a black neighborhood. And that neighborhood is Red Lined. In that same city many white Banks were moved on by Black people to take your money out of the white banks. Why? Cause those white banks are not treating black people the way they treat white people when they go to the bank to get a loan. That same bank is policed by the local police department whose salaries you pay in taxes. And that bank is regulated by the federal government. Who has federal agents who are paid by federal dollars funded by tax money, the tax money which you pay. So, you're paying to keep your own self from getting a loan. I need to stop here for a moment and say to you that. When I got here, I was spoken to and ask whether or not had spoken to Minister Louis Farrakhan and invited him to the meeting. And I said no I hadn't. And the Beloved person said to me. It would be nice if you did.

So, I went to the telephone and I called Minister Louis Farrakhan's home telephone number, And I got a young lady on the other end of the phone. First announce that my name is Silis Muhammad and that I would like to speak to Minister Louis Farrakhan. She left the phone and was gone momentarily. I waited, she returned. She said to me the words that he is unavailable. Do you have a message? I said yes. Would you Tell him that Silis Muhammad called and that I extend and invitation to him to come to a meeting where I would be speaking this Sunday on the 17th and that not only is he invited to come but he's also invited to speak. She ask me where will it be? I told her that it would be at the Hilton located on Lakeshore Drive. She asked me, what time? I told her commencing at 2 pm, 17th Sunday. So, for those of you who are concerned as to why he's not here and the brother of our messenger is here, and he is not, because he chose himself to not come or that he was unavailable. But an invitation was extended to him. To both visit and speak. In 1977 when I came here, I was alone and haven't been here in about 7 years, I was quite trouble about the faith of the nation. One person at that time returned to the teaching of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad at that time and it was Abu Bakr who has been pointed out to you. This my 2nd largest occasion to return to the City of Chicago and I will tell you. That I am deeply honored amazed thankful to see so many smiling faces. I thank you for your time for your patience I hope that you have been able to get something out of what I have given you. Thank you, As-salaam alaikum.
