Science evidence that Afro Descendants creative ability is in the Genes of our cells

I want to give credit to an African Brother called Luis Spot who posted this interview with Dr. Edward Robinson on youtube. This is not some made up story. I find further investigation into his references creditable.

Dr. Robinson why do you think the research was done?
They thought it was going to come out differently.
That's why they copyrighted it. You haven't
heard nothing about it, have you?
That's why you haven't. That's why they copyrighted it
Oh, so they copyrighted it to keep it from being published
Now you got it.
A few years ago, my brother and I read a book, called The Mark of Oppression.
And these two publishers Kardiner and Ovesey, said that they could not understand how is it that group of people African Americans have been bludgeon over their heads mentally and spiritually for hundreds of years and are still surviving. They couldn't understand it. And they said so in their book.

The answer came out in 1996. Why it is that not only have African Americans survived the worst spiritual and mental bludgeoning of any people in recorded history, but they are becoming champions of everything in which there is a Level Playing Field no matter what it is we predominate in every field this is why they won't teach our children African history.

Because they know that once our children get on the same level playing field as their white counterparts. That they will dominate just like we dominate in basketball, baseball, football, track and field and anything else in which there is a level playing field.

So, while they teach their children about the greatness of their European ancestors. They won't teach our children about the greatness of their African ancestors. Because then that would be a Level Playing Field in Academia.
And they know that we will predominate just like all of these examples we given them that our children predominate when they know who they are from the African historical point of view.

Now here's what they found out in 1996. A group of geneticists wrote this Book. An organization it's called the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The American Association for the Advancement of Science. And this organization is composed of people who study about DNA and the genome. And you've been reading about the DNA and genomes.

Well, this group of scientists came upon the idea by accident at first, that different groups of people have different numbers of DNA series. Now a DNA series means that when your DNA is located - Let's say they get a hair from your head and they subject it to certain tests they - well this is the DNA of minister Brown, and yours is different from everybody else's in the world alright.

Then they found further that not only are their DNA series different but number of DNAs in there are different in different groups. Whites have a different DNA and Blacks have a different number of DNA series. Apes have a different number of DNA series.

Then they found this amazing thing: That the greater the number of DNA series the smarter the person in the group is. The greater the probability of genius within that group.

So, they tested the orangutan these 15 geneticists from around the world. Now these geneticists came from 9 different universities. And we have here on the cover of the pamphlet that they put out the names of these geneticists.
(The title of the pamphlet is Global Patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium at the CD4 Locus and Modern Human Origins)

Now this pamphlet most people have no idea what it means. But breaking it down and after you study it and having it explained to you by a geneticist. A trained geneticist. You will find that their talking about DNA series. ( S.A. Tishkoff, E. Dietzsch, W. Speed, A.J. Pakstia, Jr. Kidd, P. Moral, M. Krings, S. Paabo, E. Watson, N Risch, T. Jenkins and K. K. Kidd) - these are the names of the geneticists listed on the cover under the title of the pamphlet. University of Japan, University of China, Yale University is the headquarters of this organization call the American Association for the Advancement of Science now this was copyrighted in 1996.

What is said is this. This is the mind-blowing part.
It said that when they tested the orangutan. They found out that he only had three (3) DNA series. When they tested the gorilla, they found out that the gorilla had (4) that he's a little smarter than the orangutan. They tested the chimpanzee which is an ape and found that he had five (5) DNA series.

Then they went into all the different races in the world. They went into Europe and tested the DNA series of the English, the French, the German, the Spanish, the Russian, and found they had (6) DNA series. then they put all this, what they found from around the world in a map. And this map is really, is called the intelligence map of the world. Because they tested 116 different human groups. And found their DNA series number, all of them all over the world have six (6) and they put the numbers in the form of a little flag that you can see on this map.

These little Flags have a color and they showed that the English have only six (6) DNA series and all into Europe only six (6) DNA series, right into Japan and China they have only six (6) DNA series. Over in America where they're predominantly European they only have six (6) DNA series. Then they came to Africa. Now all of the rest of them they're out in little flag colors. The little flag colors are orange red if you notice. But when they gotten to Africa, they found out that the African people have nine (9), Nine (9) DNA series from here just below the Kenyan empire, down to the foot of Africa.

All those ten Nations of which African Americans descended from one of them. We have nine (9) DNA series. The greatest possibility of genius in our group.
Now is answered this age-old question: How can a people survive being told that they are nothing for 400 years. Never allowed to learn that they came from beautiful cities and told that they came from a jungle. How can a people become champions in everything that they touch? Because they have nine (9) DNA series. While the rest of the world have only six (6).
Now you have to be a geneticist you know what they're talking about but now when we broke it down and interviewed doctor kit. He's the head the chairman at Yale University. He broke it down into plain everyday English. So that the world would know that the African Americans (Afro Descendants) they are descendants from those people who gave to the world the Great Pyramids who gave to the world science who gave to the world mathematics the black man gave algebra to the world 3,700 years ago it's in the encyclopedia they don't want our children to know this. Because that would make the playing field level for white children.

Note: Lionel Ovesey is an American Psychoanalyst M.D. and Abram Kardinar is a Psychiatrist M.D.

Also, the term Afro Descendants was added in parenthesis to make clear, what group the speaker was referring with His use of the term African American.