Savior's Day 2021 By the Honorable Silis Muhammad

As salaam alaikum

Happy Saviors Day. I am Silis Muhammad, I will definitely be teaching from a letter written by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, to his blood son Wallace Muhammad.

This letter to his blood son Wallace may not have hit the press while he was yet with us. It is public information today

Here are certain facts about it. This is a call to all Contemporary Black Muslims, and Plantation Slave Descendants, which includes the Caribbean, Central, South, and North America, to Resurrect, and return to the World Stage. See and become acquainted with understanding the Last Messenger's point to you.

The Last Messenger in the letter to his blood son Wallace, mentions to beyond. When you have gotten over, or have outlived the sting of slavery. Your mind is into the beyond. You will have gotten over slavery or the sting of slavery in one or two ways. By complete ethnocide or forced assimilation. Which wipes your identity out. As those of you who once were  resurrected, have witnessed. Or by self identity, self determination. Which is the complete self governing or self government of your basic needs. Someone had come to resurrect and restore and wake you up again.

Prior to July 4, 1930, you were a lost and conquered people. Then appeared Master Farad Muhammad, to whom all praises are forever due. His knowledge of the universe, and man's history on earth, open your eyes and resurrected you from mental slavery.

Now some of you have started thinking of building a Nation you can call your own. Self determination takes place when you identify with some, if not all, of the relics of what you were originally be for you were made a slave. Schooled including religion in the ways of the White Devil Natured Society.

You are the Primeval Mother. The earliest ever known people in the history of the world. Now today, you are members of plantation slaved descendants. You know what that feels like. Are we not descendants of plantation or abused plantation slave masters? Spiritually, mentally, physically we were 400 years ago re flashed unto the World Stage from slavery as the World recognized Lost Found Nation of Islam. That is a fact. Is it time, to lift off once again? Like magic it will appear. The Clear Evidence mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. It's here to prove that the world has witnessed a Man, Master Farad Muhammad and His last and greatest messenger the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. What will you do with these teachings?

The Bible is not is not a right book for the New World, so saids Messenger Elijah Muhammad. It does not take you into the beyond. The Bible takes you up to the chapter of Revelations. Which is taking place, right now, as we speak. It does not take you into the beyond nor does the present, Holy Qur'an. Both of Spiritual Guidance for the Christian and Orthodox Muslim World, shuts down, after Jesus's birth and death of 2,000 years ago.

This tell us, that another Book of Guidance is needed for the New World. Where is this Magnificent Book, if not in you? Who are the prophecies about, if not the plantation slaved descendants?  All praises be to Master Fard Muhammad. I am but the first of their spiritual children to rise up again. The world has advanced because of great record keeping of histories of civilization of the great - what about us Black Contemporary Muslims Members, Ex Members, and Afro Descendants. Who will keep our history? Accurate, not visionary, if you won't. You did it once. Throw the dice again and again if need be. With this knowledge. We are engaged in the War of Armageddon, of Revelations, of the Bible. Which is a mental war fought between God and the Devil. Plantation Slave Descendants Resurrected, Self Determined verses slave master. When will we, Black Contemporary Muslims, Resurrect? And cause the Afro Descendant Nation, which includes  Plantation Slave Descendants and the Carribean in the Central, South, and North America to Resurrect and return to the World Stage Globally as the Afro Descendant Nation. We are well on the way as my eyes and ears can see and hear. And the old sage of history. It was from older people that people received guidance, and not from young people. This is the way Messenger Muhammad starts his letter to his son Wallace.

The Last Messenger stated in his to his beloved son Wallace and I quote " Moses was 80 years before he went on his mission to lead Is real out of Egypt. He did a good job. 80 years is referred to in the Holy Qur'an as to Muhammad. That on that night. That surely he will be happier and more blessed than the past 80 years. The Messenger continues, it refers to as the Night of Majesty or El Qadar.

Question:  Is it something Majestic about to happen?

The Messenger continues, It reads like this,  Surely he reveal it, on the Night of Majesty. And what will make them comprehend what the Night of Majesty is? The Night of  Majesty is better than a thousand months. A thousand months numerically is equal to about 83 years, leaving about 17 years to complete a century.

My son, said he the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his letter. I would like very much that you know, what this means. The commentators all like to give Muhammad of the past credit for everything. They even go to the Bible, even in Habakkuk and claim that that prophecy is to him. Which clearly refer to a prophet in the Last Days. This is that which I contend with them on. That they put to much of Muhammad of the past and nothing on a man, Muhammad in the end of the world of which we are living.

As you notice in the footnotes they claim Muhammad referred to it, that a reformer  will appear among the Muslims in the commencement of every century.

Question: If we were within the 20th century at the time of his writing the letter to his son Wallace. Then was he projecting the other fellow in the 21st century with his word usage? If so, he is speaking of your future. Why mention a reformer when was the Last Messenger? A blood love and sentimental feelings for his son Wallace. He wanted him of all to inherit the succeeding position which he could foresee for him. The Messenger Elijah Muhammad uncovered Wallace about age 31 as being, the Dreaded Antichrist. After giving him nourishment from the entire family physical, spiritual food the child turns out to be the Antichrist. It must have blown the Messengers mind. He Messenger Muhammad continues, but actually Muhammad himself had never seen God, and could not give to much exact information on prophecy concerning it. But here is a great prophecy, in the 97th chapter of the Holy Qur'an where in, if you could understand it. I would give you all the understanding if you were in the circle of my followers. But, you are not. But maybe you will get someone to give to you the true understanding a little bit better than what is at the footnotes of that chapter. Who gives it, who gives it according to his understanding. This is not something in the past. This is something of the future. The spirit or angels descending in it by the permission of their Lords for every affair. Refers to the end of the World and not 1400 years ago. What follows that chapter, in the next chapter entitled El Bayinah. When interpreted means the clear evidence. It refers to the past chapter 97. What happened during darkness? That night, was the disbelievers in Christianity, Lost Found Nation of Islam had escaped from the Devils death plan.

The evil matured white man's intent was to take you you through forced assimilation, or ethononide. As can be seen in America. Yo the Lost Found Nation on Islam had manifested physically on the World Stage. Not only in America, but the whole wide world had knowledge of the existence of the Lost Found Nation of Islam. Is it the whiteman's plan to let you go? You were to take a fall. The Lost Found Nation was to take a fall. This was often or periodically told to us while we sat around the Messengers dinner table before we failed. We would say, more than my wife and me. No dear Holy Apostle, the Nation will not fall. We won't let it fall. The Nation did that it failed. It disappeared from the world stage. That also was a reality.  The nation did take a nap. The Messenger told us that, also don't worry the nation of Islam will rise again. You fell asleep and strayed. You went to Hell. But remember, he also to you, it would rise again.

When or will we rebuild it, such that it will never fall again? The one and the only way in reality the Last Messengers words and his mind can be actualized. Is that we resurrect the nation again. You are now, well over 40 years in the wilderness. We are in this mental, spiritual war of Armageddon with the Devil matured white man.

You are to stand, spouse and children too for our liberties and freedoms. You have the legal right to Self Determination, use it. The Lost Found Nation of Islam is your empowerment. It empowers the plantation slave children to at least try and build a Nation that we can call our own. Mama, that Spiritual Woman of the book, Revelation 12:4, can birth you. But only you can overcome the dare or blessing to breathe, to eat, to walk, run, to play, and to mentally fight for what you know is right.

You have to find it The strength, the courage, to stand up straight, don't wiggle physically or emotionally. Be an example, yet a woman and a man. Was the Last Messenger in his letter to his son Wallace thinking about - thinking then about missioning me, in his future destiny as a reformer to his people. He had once coveted the position for his blood son, Wallace to be a reformer to his people. So said he in his letter to his beloved son Wallace. He had the name Muhammad. Said the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the letter.

Messenger Elijah Muhammad during the Spring of 1970 could barely climb the stairway to his following dinner hs had to stop here and there ..t o restMes his weary bones. He had placed me over his son Wallace. In the letter I Quo written to Wallace around September 25th 1964 the Last Messenger is resolved and broken hearted about mistaking his son Wallace. Wallace his blood and special son had at one time blinded his father's thinking, until he remembered what the Savior had said to him in one of their discussions concerning that other fellow. To wit, the Messenger said regarding Master Farad Muhammad seeing him, and I quote "the Savior told me in seeing me how best I could properly get to the people with Allah's help. He looked at me and he said: Why don't you accept it. He said the time is right. Meaning accept the mission to teach our people." End of quotes. The Last Messenger today, sleeps with the fathers, peace and mercy be upon him. He had seen me and asked two brothers about me. Brother James 2x a house servant and brother Bernard Cushmeer, his Phoenix Minister several times so they said. Also I had married his former daughter in law, Harriet in June of that same year. And had been taken by Harriet to meet her former father in law, the Messenger.

The Messenger chose to give the name Muhammad to me, which I am quite proud of, of the name Muhammad humbly so. And I seek no honor for myself for having that name but such as my person may justly merit. The act of giving to me the name Muhammad, definitely placed me, best said by the Messengers elder son Emmanuel in the family. Emmanuel said also in a brotherly whispering voice your name is a blessing and a protection. And he greeted me, in my leaving the house. I wondered, what that meant. I was completely lost in thought and knowledge as to what just had happened. To this day I ask, am I not thus fulfilling certain prophecies also. Let us say it only introduces my standing in our government. In words and in actions. I have said and I do say, yes sir. I accept if you had any reference to me I have reappeared to the Lost Found Nation of Islam. It lives in me. And it will into eternity. For I will not give up. I want to say a hearty and a heavenly round of thanks to the entirety Black Muslim Nation. To Every member especially those of you who of disbelief or misbelief withdrew or misbelief or withdrawal was the Lost Found Nation escaped at that time everyone for me especially and for you. For the perseverance and existence of the Lost Found Nation of Islam. Her I have exhausted the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. What is said now, comes for my own epiphany.

Except it or leave it alone. We escaped, we went into hiding it seems. We escaped the execution on the Devil's plan attack on us. See bible 12:4. It's the Last Messenger teachings which points me to the above scripture. Show him with the crown of stars on his head. He Wallace wore the name of the Savior which had the Messenger adrift until he remembered the conversation between himself and Master Farad Muhammad. To whom all praises are for ever due. That is a fact stated by Messenger Muhammad in his letter to his beloved son Wallace. Thanks and praises be to that Spiritual Woman, Mary of the book. Can we have a picture of him flashed upon the screen?

He covered himself and gave to or in Revelations 12:5. And she brought forth a male child and her  was caught up unto God, and to his throne. Holy Qur'an 23:50  And we made the sin of Mary and his Mother a Sign. A sign is not where you stop, a sign is uh - it shows you, which way to go. Or it lets you know you're not very far off. And we gave refuge on a lofty ground. Having meadows and springs Holy Qur'an 19:17 So she screened herself from them. Then we sent to her our Spirit and It appeared to her as a well made man. That Spiritual Woman Mary in the book Bible Revelations is a Messenger or Prophet giving birth to the Afro descendant Nation. Which includes the Carribean, you, Jamaca, Brazil, African Americans. The woman actually refers to - can you read this for me? Ok, I'll read it. The woman actually refers to the Last Apostle of God, Messenger Elijah Muhammad and her child refers to the followers or the entirety negro race, as they are called who are not ready to be delivered. Go to their own. Message To The Black man page 127 published in 1965. Also in the same book page 306, he weites this message. My mission is to give life to the dead. What I teach brings them out of death and into life. My mission as the Messenger is to bring them truth to the world - being them to truth before the world is destroyed. The Messenger, me, you were in darkness under delivery when others and Wallace. Wallace his blood son his beloved son started destroying our Nation with the teachings of Orthodox Islam, I was born. I had been living, when he Wallace the Messengers beloved son stepped in covering the Nation perchance from the dragon. Although evidently Wallace knew not, it happened. You lost Found Nation of Islam the Messengers Children were born under darkness. Death, Dumb, Blind, and motherless in that dark day. Proof is some of us lost our way and became contaminated following Wallace into Bilalian World.

Now is the right time for us to reappear. To be sure your real actual resurrection, the removal of the wax in you ears, the opening of your eyes and the dumb removed from your mind will prove that Allah God has come. We collectively have life's light. And it shall shine a much brighter light. Like magic, what are you feeling? Please, please pay attention to the prophecies and to every word that that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said. Did not the Dragon, Devil natured White Race stand before the woman in Revelations 12 : 4? Elijah Muhammad, the Lost Found Nation of Islam, ready to devour her child, us, as soon as we were born. Think o ver that. The Messengers life had to evidently let manifest something dreadful and distrustful into the Nation in that dark hour. So as protect and preserve the baby, Lost Found Nation, it happened. Contemporary Black Muslims, Companions, Believers my future Country men, Afro Descendants. Will you hear me? Will you let my words enter your ear? Mull over the thought, then decide. I have come to restore the Lost Found Nation of Islam as best I can. Not to bury it. Would it not be like magic when the Lost Found Nation of Islam reappear on the World Stage? Would it not be the Clear Evidence that the Last Messenger e as right. He was that Spiritual Woman of the Book. The first ever who wore the crown of stars on his head. The sign of Mary, to mental birthed, to the Lost and now Found  Afro Descendant Nation. Like the Night of Majesty. Qur'an chapter 97 like magic, the Lost Found NATO of Islam shall reappear on the World Stage. The child, the Nation of Islam needed not to be in sight and needed to not be or needed to be hidden until this appointed time. You Lost Found Nation had gaianed World attention under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Allah's Last and Greatest Messenger. You yet have the knowledge given to you, from the mouth of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad locked in your head don't you. Act on it. Grow back collectively into the company of Muslims brotherhood once again. You disappeared off the World Stage. Additionally we disappeared off the stage in America, almost.

We can better aim this ship. Like magic, Master Fard Muhammad, it shall shock the world to them! Don't you see the Holy Qur'an scriptures 97 and 98  fulfilled? Proof that it is a right - more right book for the hour. Your, you are to resurrect, return, reappear. Away with ethnocide and forced assimilation. Re attach Blacks here in America and in the Americas to one another just as did you before. Then reattach Blacks throughout the plantation slavery diaspora to their Global Identity, Afrodescendants the clear evidence is, or it can you. Can you hear me? Or do you want to be subsumed into ethnocide and forced assimilation by the Devil matured white man. Lost Found Nation of Islam is the one and the only up to date manifestation, black slave descendants having a Nation in the Americas. Is not St Kitts and ne a black descendant Nation? Though, it is not the entirety of the Afro descendant Nation. We, African Americans have begun seeking a land base to call our home. Calling for Reparations from America. Could not we join with other Afrodescendants seeking Reparations from the Americas? We Afrodescendants are in a do or die diliemma. Our prayer is that a benevolent and merciful government will hear and lend a ear to our prayer. We continually survive. Trapped in the bell of the whale situation where I  we find our nation, yoked to date between Ethnocide and Self Determination without a land base we can call our home. Will Saudi Arabia, Arab Republic of Egypt, Russia, China,  India, Japan, Iran, North Korea, Ghana, Nigeria, and United Arab Emirates hear you prayer? Play the police tape. (A white policeman began speaking) Hey friends and well let me be honest probably um before this video is over some of you. Will consider me as an enemy. Um, but I winged to share a couple of minutes, about my thoughts not only on the tragedies that we have been experiencing over thes past months  and especially these last couple of days with the shootings of our Black men. But what I'm coming to learn, over my 23 year journey of being a white man living and ministering amongst my black family here in several inner Cities of Chicago and I'm gonna speak very black and white because, let's be honest, it's a black and white issue. Um I want to take you to the Book of Exodus um Chapter 1 and I wanted to share a little bit of what took place prior to the rise of Moses um when I read that it talked that the Pharaoh became concerned and very fearful  that the Hebrew slaves were growing in number and in power.

So in order to maintain heir oppression. He put upon them great labor. He put upon the Hebrew slaves cruety to keep them down. However, they still grew. And so he brought together some midwives and he instructed them. That when a Hebrew was born kill them. Well these midwives did not follow and the Hebrew slaves continued to grow. Eventually the Pharaoh became so hatred towards this Hebrew slaves that he made a decree, he put out an order, that male baby boys, Hebrew slaves were to be killed by casting g them into the Nile river

Let's look at America. We brought blacks into this country as slaves. We never intended them to be anything other than a slave. But they began to grow in number and in power. And eventually they fought their way to some freedom. So we became even more cruel. And to keep our black Americans down we lynched them, but yet they rose. So then we used the welfare system, the criminal justice system to keep them down, to contain them, to destroy them, but yet they rose, and they're rising. Then we  built prisons and jails to hold them yet they rose. And so now we are doing exactly what the Pharaoh did at the end. Sending out a decree, kill them.

So until we admit. That when we wrote this constitution, that all men are created equal, that we never intended to include our black brothers and sisters. Our nation may end up facing exactly what the Egyptians faced, when they refused to let God's people go. So I am going to say this to my white fellow Americans. That the bloodshed, that is on its way. Is not on the hands of our fellow black Americans but is on our hands. We are the ones that are refusing to let God's people go. We are the ones that are refusing to acknowledge that we do not value our black brothers and sisters as equal individuals or equal Americans as us white men. And to my black brothers and sisters, the racial issues have been there from the very foundation. But why do we see it more? To again say this: the bloodshed that we experience is on our hands not the hands of our fellow black Americans. (We'll end here with the video).

This life in the Nation of Islam, is a more rewarding life than I have ever lived, ever experienced in my 82 years of living. I should say 83 years. I am 3 months and 11 days away from that number in the 21st century. They among the people of the book, Bible, and the idolatrous would not be feed from the White Devil Natured Dragon until after darkness then clear evidence is seen. Like magic you shall reappear with the light of civilized life. I Silis Muhammad am a living manifestation of clear evidence. I am the son of Master Farad Muhammad and His Last and Greatest Messenger the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. How about you?

Then be and let the world see it. I made my reappearance, August 21, 1977. The date marks the very starting point towards your reappearance towards the World Stage. It now seems, it's stamped on the pages if Black Muslim history.

You are to awaken as did I. And find where you fit, in your Nation. Or where you best fit or can do the best for your Nation. Your Nation is your destiny's future. It is the direction in which we point our children.

I participated in international U. N. protected seminars. Representatives from 19 Nations engage in discussion concerning a name to give ourselves Globally. Having not persuaded the group during a week long battle in La Ceiba Honduras in 2002, to accept the name Lost Found. We chose the name Afro Descendants and gave it a definition that reflects, we are no longer a Lost people, but a Found people. Accept it, your Global name. It is your Global Identity. You are connected. No longer are we only Cartisans, Jamaicans, Brazilians, African Americans, subject to the White KKK Klan. You are connected to the plantation slavery diaspora. The definition locked in our destiny with expected amendments from Brazil. It is the destiny of plantation slave descendants, slave children. It is not the destiny of the White Slave Masters. King Herod nor King James. The U. S. and the U. N.'s government and their Cohorts took aim and fired political shots at Muhammad, Silis Muhammad. I spat you the message in and with similar human passions like unto Messenger Elijah Muhammad the U. N. Department on Human Rights collapse and was replaced with a Human Rights Council into 2006. To the Contemporary Black Muslims: Except prom whatever came  your Global name, Afro Descendants, Central, South Americans, Plantation Slave Descendants are sold on it. As was built and offered the name. Watch to see how soon it fits all of us. This did not happen 1400 years ago under Prophet Muhammad. This is taking place in the Last Days of the White Rule of the World, right now. In a word, Arise. Set you aim at speaking, capitalize, Speaking the truth. The reality. Enjoy the practice of great moral behavior at home and abroad. And not as someone who acts sanctified. As neither me nor Allan's Last and Greatest Messenger were sanctified. Get up and get over it, I did.

What I have done is removed the rocks from my own shoe. Which you and only you can face and do. Then can you hear see and speak the truth. The truth is a fact or it is a reasonable conclusion drawn from some circumstantial evidence. Not hearsay. You Mighty Black Nation,  Arise. Arise let us take that walk onto the stairway to the worlds top. If you grow tired stop. Sit yourself down on them there stairs and rest. But you keep on climbing and never turn back. Die fighting the war of Armageddon. It would not be written in prophecies of the Bible if there was not a problem on earth. Fulfill Messenger Elijah Muhammad's words. Don't tax him for what you have to dyo yourself. You don't need no one person leading you anymore. You shall be governed by an up to date, right down to the modern day time. A 4 pronged Afro Descendant Constitution. One lifetime of service to you is a plenty, much more than enough. Messenger Muhammad is gone. But his words live on. His words as you read them, histories of them are yet alive in us all peace mercy and blessings be with him and to Master Fard Muhammad forever.

Happy Savior's Day

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