Savior's Day 1958 Excerpt from the 1958 Savior's Day Lecture by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Savior's Day 1958 Excerpt from the 1958 Savior's Day Lecture by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

In the name of Master Fard Muhammad our Spiritual Father and in remembrance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad our Spiritual Mother, Mary found in the prophetical writing of both books Bible and Holy Qur'an. Where we read of her giving birth to a child Jesus by way of Immaculate Conception.

All mature adults male and female know that a woman doesn't give birth to children without the agency of man. And that formless spirits do not get woman pregnant whereby they end up having  children with material form. The CEO of the Lost Found Nation of Islam the Honorable Silis Muhammad is the 1st to recognize his prophetic identity as Mary (spiritually) with a crown of 12 stars upon his head.

Here we present to you, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's interpretation in his own words.

"The Woman there represents a woman and it also have another a second meaning, it represents people, some of the religions call it the Church. But I also would bring you into a better understanding of it. It don't mean a Christian Church as you understand it.

It means a temple or rather the believers, that army of believers in the Last Days, who is always styled a Type of a Woman. Because a Woman gives Birth to Children. A Prophet by his Mission or Knowledge of God gives Spiritual Birth to the people.

Therefore he's styled as a woman. Because one bring the child to Birth Physical and the other bring Spiritual Birth to the child.

That is the way to understand it  and the proper way"
