Our Fore Fathers before slavery in the Americas

In the name of Almighty God, Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad our Spiritual Father and in remembrance of Moses, in the person of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, our Spiritual Mother, the prophesied Mary of the Books (Bible and Holy Qur'an) may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. And in the name of their first begotten Son of Truth, the Prophet Like Moses, the Honorable Silis Muhammad, do I greet you in the Arabic language, As Salaam alaikum.

There is an important event which has taken place. I felt the need to bring your attention to it because of it's monumental importance. It occurred in 1974, which was 48 years ago. The event was called the UNESCO conference. During that international conference two linguistic Scholars of African descent sought to Prove the ancient Egyptians were black. One African Scholar name was Sheikh Anta Diop and the other name was Professor Theophile Obenga.
This is the comments of the meeting to the best of my knowledge of what professor Obenga observed. No quotations will be used because it has been translated from French, which is the language he uses.

We had a debate. Sheikh Anita Dip and myself were the only the only charcoal-black people, plus a Sudanese, Abdallah. So, it was kind of epic at first. I'll give an anecdote then I'll sum it up. From the beginning. Sheikh raised the issue that the in Egypt the word for black is kem. Kem, Kemet is black. It's black. And Abdallah, an egyptologist from Sudan contested. He said no, that's wrong. So me who was dosing off a little, because it wasn't coffee time yet... Woke up thinking the whole ordeal is becoming heated. But I said he's an egyptologist as well, he can't be talking nonsense. If Abdallah is so sure. Could he be right? I thought to myself. Impossible why would he say that? It appears he's wrong but, let's wait it out before saying he's wrong. Sheikh says, No Abdallah. Both won't buldge so we cool the situation. We go to a grammarian who was present Sauneron, who knows the language and its grammar. Cheikh says Listen, If we're already making mistakes on the word, black. There are things more complicated. If we can't even resolve this. Let's stop there. Obenga and I are out. Because the debate is not even worth it. If we can't even translate the simple word - yes! There were much more complicated matters. So we asked to the professor Sauneron. To resolve this issue now before beginning. Or we leave. I was like. This is crazy. So I sit up straight even more because it was by alphabetical order.
Leclant, Obenga, Naduri, Sauneron...Sheikh was on the other side. Diop, Abdallah, etc. I said It's crazy. Sauneron was a little hesitant. Sheikh was insistant and said no, Mr. Sauneron please. You have to access. You are the grammarian here. You have to give your take before we continue or it's pointless. Much more complicated will emerge. If we don't even know the egyptian word meaning black. What are we sitting down here for?I'll leave. I'll go back to Dakar. Ha! Sheikh is a radical. You also need compromises, no? Sauneron finally decides. He says yes indeed. Considering the glossy of Egyptian colors... Kem is in the category of black. He was being a smart ass. It is black. He wanted to say it was black. Sheikh said alright. It is black you see? We can continue the debate.

I said wow. I talked to Abdallah afterwards. I asked him, why was he saying such things. You know it is false. Yet you insist. You have to be honest for the sake of the debate. He tried to justify himself. But I said that's causing confusion for nothing.You're an egyptologist.You know this. Let's be serious. Now ever time I see him. He ask about Sheikh how is he doing? In an international conferences of egyptology. How is Sheikh doing?I tell him, he's not serious.

Anyway,the issue is this: The color of Ancient Egyptians' skin Black or White?
Eye witnesses such as Herodotus such as Aristotle say Egyptians are black with kinky hair. That they have black skin with kinky hair.

Melancroes eisi Kai oulotriches,. Which means they have black skin and hair in corkscrew. When I take a white person's hair and a black person's non - permed hair. The black person's hair is like a cork screw. The white person's hair is straight. And ours is straight when the ladies perm it. But non premed hair is like this oulotriches. And that's what Herodotus who saw the Egyptians alive, said at the market, at the temple, in the streets, etc. He says it. Aristotle, who was there too. He saids: Agan Melanie's, and it's Bilolo, a Congolese, from here studied this in depth. He saids: Agan Melanie's they are excessively black, very black, to black even.

You know the Stoics rule: Meden agan, nothing to much, nothing in excess. Meden agan Not to much, don't do to much. Do not like food to much, Do nothing in excess. Don't over do it. It's the Stoics rule. So the word agan is "to much" They were to black.

Ok, what does the current scholarship think about this? Sheikh Anita Diop realize. He took dosage section on mummies. To observe their melanin dosage. He brought samples. And said if you want to see. Let's go to the laboratory at the Cairo biology college and see the samples.We'll attest melanin dosage. Even better Manchester and Liverpool Medical Schools Both schools took the samples, to measure melanin. Different schools but the results was the same. Same sample divided into two; Two independent experiences, same result. Brown or dark but black. Any way that's for the skin color.

Now to the language. They say Egypt is in Africa as you want... Not in the Near East. They were black like you as you want. But do not confuse Race and Culture. They could have been black like you, but did not have the same culture. Because the language is that which expresses the culture of  the Ancient Egyptians. This language isn't related to your negro-African languages. But rather related to the Semantic languages. Such as Akkadian, Babalonian, Hebrew, Aramaic, Phonician, Arab, etc, etc. Or South Arabian or Ethiopian. Ge'ez, Amharic. So relax, they are on the African continent. They are brown or black as you want. But careful careful let's not get confused. They have nothing to do with you because what matters is the culture. The cultural expression isn' t the same. It's an Afro Asiatic language. Afro for it is in Africa. Asiatic because the Semantic languages are in Asia. So here's the relationship. We used to called that chameto Semitic.

I want to stop here and point out that yes, this does have something to do with us. According to the teaching of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we  are descendants of Abraham through Ishmael who's mother was Egyptian. Abraham our ancient forefather obeyed God and sacrificed Ishmael and his descendants into a strange land now called  the Americas plus the Diaspora Up under strangers (white people) for a period of 400 years. (See Bible, Genesis 15:13)

He, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah, be upon him) also termed us Afro descendants as Aboriginal Asiatic Blacks from the Holy tribe of Shabazz. Whom were the 1st to settle along the rich Nile valley of Egypt,and the present eat of the Holy City, Mecca, Arabia (See Message to that Black man page 31, 5th paragraph.