On the front Line

In the name of Almighty God Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and in remembrance of our spiritual mother Mary of the book, Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Almighty God Allah's last, and greatest messenger John the Baptist, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
I'd like to greet you in peace with the Arabic language, As salaam alaikum.
The title of my lecture is, On the front line. That is a military term that may not mean much to you if you are a civilian within the government of America. Lately it has become a term used by the medical system in America. They take it to  mean that they are in a battle and that battle is against the covid-19 virus. You may be familiar with the term due to the news media.

However the war against the virus circulating throughout America is not what I have reference to. I have reference to the war of Armageddon. Who are those that are on the front line of the Armageddon War? One would expect those fighting in this War, that they would be in a military. This is true of the lost found Nation of Islam's  FOI. They are the military units who are on the front line during this War of Armageddon. This war that they are fighting is a Spiritual War. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,” 2 Corinthians 10:4.
Who was the first FOI during the first resurrection of the Lost found Nation of Islam to declare Spiritual War?
History here in America records it as the Chief Executive Officer of the Lost Found Nation of Islam, Silis Muhammad. He stood up physically and challenge that Unseen Spirit Allah that Imam Warith (Wallace) D. Muhammad was talking about.
What was so significant of his being the first to rise? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had predicted that the first begotten Son Of Man, to rise here in western hemisphere of America out from among the spiritually dead so-called Negroes here in America would be the Christ. Which means one coming in the last day to crush the wicked.
He the Honorable Elijah Muhammad  termed him as being a prophet under the name of Jesus. We all are to be given spiritual birth through the life giving teachings of Master Fard Muhammad's from his first and last Messenger. But only one of us stood first after his death.

He (Honorable Silis Muhammad) recognized our Spiritual Mother the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And the union of truth he had with our Spiritual Father Master Fard Muhammad. Thus he came into knowledge of himself. Now others are coming into the knowledge themselves, that they are of God, and are casting off that old slavery idea.  That there is some Great Formless Spirit out there in the sky somewhere controlling man.  We today know that mankind has been controlling man for the past 6,000 years. And with what? It can be answered with one word, Law. Most major nations of people in this world have a god looking like themselves. Mankind days of rulership is up. He has his God. When will you come to unity and except yours. The building of your government and the establishment of the true and living God or Allah has already begun.