Jesus Rose from Dead - Uline Arena Speech 1958 Exerpt,by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

The 1st Born don't mean, Jesus of Nazareth, or of Palestine, it don't mean him. It means one from among you and I.

You are the people that is dead in the Bible. You are the people that must be resurrected in the Bible. You are the people that Jesus will rise from. Jesus rose from the dead. It don't mean that a man gets up in a grave yard, among dead bodies.

It means that the power, and the authority, and the wisdom, and the guidance of God rose up. And His knowledge, and the knowledge of God, the understanding of God rose up from a dead people, Mentally dead people. That's all it means. Not out of the grave.

Go home, and be satisfied this afternoon that you will never meet God beyond the dead grave yard. You will meet Him, on this side of the grave, the grave settles it all.
