Is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad really the Christ?

Is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad really the Christ?
Moses in the Person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (EXODUS 33:11 "and the Lord Spake unto Moses Face to Face, as a man speaketh unto his friend."

In the name of Almighty God Allah, in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. And in remembrance of Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him. Praises be to their first begotten Son of Truth, the Honorable Silis Muhammad for his raising up the Lost - Found Nation of Islam for a second time. I'd like to greet you in the Arabic language, with the greeting words of peace which means, the peace be upon you:

As salaam alaikum.

Even in this modern day and time we still have those who will say that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has not died, that he has resurrected and hidden himself up on the Mother Plane. Also, that he is in the presence of Master Fard Muhammad on the Mother Plane and they both are plotting to destroy America.

To those who represent the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as a Jesus or the Christ, here is something that you should take note of.

In the Message to the Blackman on page 168 within the 2nd paragraph, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad states: "Never any more will you fool us to bow and pray to a dead Jesus any more than Moses or any other dead prophet and hope that my people believe that there is a Jesus killed and buried but still sitting receiving their prayers. Get out of that kind of stuff.

There is no such thing as dying and coming up out of the earth, meeting your friends and meeting those who died before you. I say, get out of such slavery teachings. It keeps you blind, deaf and dumb to reality. Get out of it, for if you depend on such, you will not believe in yourself. When you are dead, you are DEAD. I have proof of that. Do you have proof of that which you say - they will come back? No! I say to you my friend, the mentally dead are awakening. Your slave - masters have deceived you. They want you to remain deceived."

And how well have you considered what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught concerning Christ? On page 289 2nd paragraph he states: "Christ here means God in Person in the last days or end of the Caucasian world. The name, Christ, spiritually means "One Who is coming at the end to crush the power of the infidel or the race of devils."

With that being noted I'd like to ask you, have the power of the infidels or race of devils been crushed since the death of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975 or are they still in authority? Certainly, one would have to admit that North America remains in power at the time of this writing. Therefore, how could a person proclaim that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was the Christ. When he did not do what Christ should have done, if we base it upon his own writings about Christ.

I therefore conclude that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is not the prophetic Jesus the Christ you have been expecting to come.

As salaam Alaikum


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