And so you joined the Nation of Islam to become a muslim

In the name of Almighty God Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother, Mary of the book,  Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Almighty God Allah's Last, and Greatest Messenger, John, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. I like to greet you in the Arabic language of peace of as salaam alaikum.
My subject is titled:
And so you joined the Nation of Islam to become a Muslim. I believe a bit of history is in order while proceeding into this subject because the  Original Nation of Islam that was headed by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, peace be upon him, has split into three major groups

(1.) One group was headed by the physical son of Elijah Muhammad Imam Warith Deen Muhammed who has now pasted away. They called themselves Bilalians after Warith D. Muhammad had been influenced by teachers of Orthodox Islam.

(2.) Another group is headed by Minister Louis Farrakhan. His followers called themselves The Nation of Islam but their legal entity is in reality Final Call Incorporated. And we have

(3.) The Lost found Nation of Islam  which is headed by our Mahdi (Guide) and Chief Executive Officer the Honorable Silis Muhammad. The Lost found Nation of Islam is a Divine Government prophesied of in the Bible as being formed by God Himself. The question I want to ask you and I want you to examine for yourself is:

When you came to Imam Warith Deen Mohammed  and joined his said organization did you find Allah, did you find God. Or when you came  to Minister Louis Farrakhan's Final Call Inc. Did you find Almighty God Allah, Master Fard Muhammad. Did you find God in person? The reason I ask these questions are, because I don't want you to forget that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad  told us  that after himself  comes God or Allah.

Here in the Lost Found Nation of Islam, if you have your spiritual eyes open as well as your physical eyes and your spiritual ears open as well as your physical ears, you will see, hear, and can find Allah, the Son of Man. We don't tell you he's hiding somewhere up in the clouds on a mother plane. No, we don't teach that. Do your research. Google, who is the Prophet like Moses then tell me who do they say that he is. The prophet like Moses is a cover title for whom?
I want to conclude by saying  the three branches that proceeded out of what you have known to be the Nation Islam, through them You did not become a Muslim by simply joining.

If you are an Afro descendant or part of the original black nation you were born a Muslim. To be Muslim means to be a righteous person. All Aboriginal Asiatic black persons are born with the nature of righteous in them, from the original creator of the heavens and earth. After having become a member of the Lost Found Nation of Islam,  you're taught inside of our government to practice the principles of righteousness and are required to abide by righteous laws. Because this anglo-Saxon has made a world of unrighteousness. He made a world of evil. He is the ruler of it and within it he abides by untruth. His time is up and that unrighteous world (Old World) that he  has made, is slowly coming to an end as was predicted.
He's running about America breaking his own law that he written to control himself. He knows there is no unseen spirit god or unseen Allah out in the clouds controlling him or you.

We want no part in it.  We want separation and a land that we can call our own,  wherein we can build a righteous government. We want Reparations Compensation for the damages that the American former slave masters have done to us, during the 400 years of slavery, both mentally and physically. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told you slavery was endured by us under the former slave masters from 1555 AD to 1955AD. Meanwhile his ruling class admitted in his congress to having done such from1619 AD to 2019 under former president of the United States of North America, Mr. Trump.

 We don't desire to share in the wrath that Allah the Son of Man and Spiritual Son of Almighty Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, is pouring upon this country.
The Anglo-Saxon, evil natured Caucasian is calling it global warming, don't be fooled. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, Allah would destroy America with Rain, Snow, Hail, Earthquakes and finally with Fire. Now can you see the writing on the walls(spiritually)? The worse is yet to come.