After me comes God

After me comes God

In the name of Master Fard Muhammad to whom praises be forever. And in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother, Mary of the both books Bible and Holy Qur'an, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And with respect to the Royal Couple of the Lost-found Nation of Islam, it's CEO, the Honorable Silis Muhammad and our 1st Lady, Queen Misshaki Muhammad, do I wish you peace in the Arabic language,

As salaam alaikum

I hope that you do not assume from the
title that I have a reference to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he is not within our midst today communicating to anyone, anymore devine messages of guidance since his passing in 1975. Neither did he come and sat his son Imam Warith D. Muhammad down after his passing. The Nation of Islam (that infant baby Nation) did fall. The members did began to practice the grave life style of the ignorant again, forsaking the life giving teachings of truth which they received from Almighty God Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad's first-last and Greatest Messager. As has been predicted by the prophets, where it reads this child is set for the fall and the rise again. The Lost-Found Nation of Islam had been Spiritually attacked on several fronts. One (1) was that of the wise
men (Arabs) who influenced the mind of the Lost Son of perdition who was revealed by our Lord and Saviour Silis Muhammad, he was that 1st beast of Revelations that rose up within the ranks of the believers wearing a beard not well groom, his beard being described as a fowl mane about his neck in the prophecies of the Bible. He taught there were a Great Spirit Allah, out there in the skies backing him up. Although in reality the only one that backed him were those Arabs who did not want him teaching that his father was a Messenger at all. They wanted him (Imam Warith D Muhammad) to teach that prophet Muhammad of 1400 years ago was Allah's Last Messager. He was also supported with that teaching by his brother Herbert Muhammad. There is a testimony by Muhammad Ali where he said, that he had been told after the death of Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him) by Herbert Muhammad, that Warith D Muhammad would be assuming the spiritual position of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the Head (leader of the Nation of Islam) and to seek spiritual guidance from him as he did from the Messenger and Ali said also, that the infant baby Nation of Islam was described as the Body Christ by Herbert Muhammad.
I personally observed as a student of East-West University, a privately funded Muslim University in Chicago, one of Imam Warith D Muhammad followers, seeking financial backing from a wealthy member of the Othodox Islamic community who was visiting to help fund the University. They were at the same time passing flyers within the school, teaching against the Honorable Elijah Muhammad being the Last Messenger of Allah and Master Fard being Almighty Allah in person.
The time was approximately the early part of 1992. However before that event the Honorable Silis Muhammad in 1977 had challenged the teaching of Imam Warith D Muhammad and his Spirit Allah in a declaration of Spiritual War. The results of that challenge in my opinion, is that the Nation of Islam was starting to rise.
Later He Imam Warith D Muhammad would step down as Head of Nation of Islam which at that time was being called the World Community of Al-Islam in the West, he appointed a group of supporters (his Imams), to govern the hypocrites, which he had separated from the Lost-Found Nation of Islam.

After receiving the news from Minister Bernard Cashmere that our Lord Silis Muhammad was reestablishing the Lost-Found Nation. Louis Farrakhan 1st sought for followers within the Temple on 75th Stoney Island and found there were none. He and Bernard had to seek them out in the streets of Chicago. I were among his FOI in the streets of Chicago helping them to recruit. At that time Theron was the Supreme Captain for Min Farrakhan and a brother by the name of Michael was the lieutenant.
It had become a dark time in Chicago streets other organizations began to florish. The Star and Crescent had been removed by the Herbert and Warith D Muhammad and it appeared that the plot by those particular Arabs to destroy the child (the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in it's infancy) was successful.
I am going to stop here. I will be publishing a book soon taking you into further detail.
As salaam alaikum
