A Yard Stick to Measure By

In the name of Almighty Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad to whom Praises are forever due, and in remembrance of our spiritual mother, Mary of the books of prophecy, Moses in the person of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

I give thanks to their 1st begotten son, the Honorable Silis Muhammad. He is the Man Child, or Son Of Man, the Christ that was predicted to rise up among us. May his name forever be praised for His resurrecting the Lost- Found Nation of Islam for a second time. I'd like greet you in the Arabic language with the greeting of As salaam alaikum ( The peace be upon you).

My topic is A Yard Stick to Measure By. It is not a physical stick as you might imagine. But it has reference to a Spiritual Stick or tool which you can use.
There exist in this world which we live, states of mind amongst our people due to influences or information being given. Including information that I have sought to give out to the public. We also have received information thru our computers, laptops, cell phones, thru which  we are capable of obtaining research.
But allow me to point out this simple tool or method which I made mention of earlier, labeled A yard stick. This yard stick is a simple way for a person to determine what is true or untrue. It is spiritual because you're examining what you see and hear with your mind.

For instance: How do you know what Truth is? What will you use to determine it? Allow me to present this simple definition that you can use.
Truth has these important factors.

  1. It has a Date.
  2. It has a Place of Existence.
  3. It has a Time in which it happens or occurs.
  4. And it only occurs one (1) way.

For example, when you record an event with the camera on your cell phones. The recordings within your phone can began to mark the date and register the time of whatever is being recorded.
You may want to also apply other factors to this simple formula. But consider this for the moment. When something is said to have occurred. Do you ask yourself when or what time, where, or how? So that you can make a common sense judgement. Do you seek to gather as many facts possible before you assert that a certain thing is true? And consider this for a moment. If you weren't at that event, but seek to convey something to others without having the facts and evidence, then what you're conveying to others might just be Belief.

The point that I am trying to make is certain events have been proven or considered true, based off of  circumstantial evidence. Truth is like unto a two edged sword that cuts on both sides, I hope that this short talk will enable you to make a clearer decision.

As salaam alaikum.
