A World Saviour Is Born by the Honorable Silis Muhammad, CEO of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam (cont. part 2)

The other day when the Iraqis, President Saddam Hussain sent his aid to the Soviet Union and Gorbachev and he came up with a solution to the Gulf crises. I became happy.  For one thing I thought now it will stop. And you would have opportunity to learn the truth. That there cannot right now occur universal war. It has been my feeling all the while that there would not be war. The war did start. Why is it that, I felt that? It's because, my people here in America do not know the truth about themselves. There is a particular knowledge which has been kept from you. And if war broke out now, world war, that would engulf the entire world, where would you be? What would happen to you? Would you die in it, not having been exposed to the knowledge of yourselves? I said no, it can't be. I got to get to them the knowledge of themselves. What's going on. There cannot be universal war such that engulf the entire earth right now and you left here in America as victims. It would be that all the prophets of God, would have spoken an untruth.

That all that we've been taught both in Islam and in Christianity would not be right. It does not become a prophet of God, Allah to lie, to commit an injustice or to do wrong. So no, I did not foresee, did not believe that a war would engulf the entire earth, before you were expose to the truth and had an opportunity to except or reject it. Until those of you who will except it. Have had ample opportunity to escape America into a land that you can call your own. War could not engulf the entire earth. I felt proud I felt good. That here comes now, a peace solution that Gorbachev and Aziz are now complying with, in my estimation the UN resolution, then I watched closely to find or to see President Bush's reaction. President Bush came forward and said, No, I will not except it. And be out of Kuwait by high noon. We want a public address, Be out, by high noon. I said, Oh President Bush, I see your ego sticking out. I see you acting other than a president over a Nation. I see you acting as an individual. I see you acting boldly. I see you talking to another man. A man like yourself as if he's nothing but a little child. Mr. President, it's alright to fight, for what is right, it's alright to fight for justice. But Mr. President you have a moral duty to respect another man, a human being. You just don't come and talk to another man any way, just any you feel. You might hate his guts, you may wish that he would get out of Kuwait, but Mr. President can't you phase it a little bit better than what you did. Couldn't you have given him a little bit more time, to work that problem out.

You see now even Egypt is beginning to weaver in its' decision. What is it Mr. President that is pushing you, to come in like a cowboy? I believe it's ah, John Wayne. No, it wasn't John Wayne, Randolph Scott - the high noon, the movie High Noon, Gary Cooper. Here is the President of the United States of America reducing himself to a TV cowboy. (To be continued)  

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