A World Savior Is Born by the Hon. Silis Muhammad, CEO of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam (cont. part 1)

For it can be misconstrued, that this is a protest message against Americas involvement in the war in the Mideast. And thus, it places myself and you out on a spot. Should we at this time that America is engage in war, be discussing the problems of the Mideast. Are we a group of those persons whom America believes is going to sabotage America from within? Am I in this lecture encouraging you or inspiring you to go out as Muslims and do something against America? The answer to that question is simply, no. I have no intention to encourage you to go out and do any sabotaging or any sabotages type work against America. The greatest thing that you can do which would be anti-American or that is against America would be to accept the truth. So, I had to ask myself in the light of what is developing in the Mideast. Should I proceed with this lecture? And what risk do I run in endangering you and myself in giving you this particular message. There is a risk, but then, I am also reminded that the truth should not be hidden while you know. So, I have decided to proceed with what I have planned to give you. Exactly as I have planned it. No alteration. I do not say that with an extended ego. To make you think that I'm tough or that I am a real bad man. I say that because, this is critical hour. We are in a dreadful day, and a great day. And there is a chance that I could be arrested and that I might not get a chance to give this message to you in person, like I will today. With that consideration, I'm going to give it. Now I know that you've grown accustom, those of you who are visiting with us and who are of the Christian persuasion, you've grown accustomed to hearing a preacher caress your soul and rock you and get you all involved. I would say with not a thought of making mockery to the preacher. But you've been entertained and there are some of you who are Muslims that have been or have grown accustomed to hearing some fiery message, to leave with some fiery spirit, to last for a couple of days, you have been entertained.  While I do wish that I could entertain you. That is the least thought on my mind today, entertaining you. I do hope however that you will pay close attention to what I have to say even though it may not be that type of thing that you have been entertained by.

I wish to impart knowledge to you. With the hope that afterwards you could entertain yourself for many days. "A World Savior Is Born", Master Fard Muhammad. Today we celebrate, His date of birth. It is actually February 26. We celebrate it today on Sunday, so that we might be able to touch or reach as many Black people as we can. We know that on Tuesday or during the week you are working, and after work, you are having dinner. And after dinner you're watching TV, and then to sleep.

What makes Master Fard Muhammad a world Savior? It is He Master Fard Muhammad who brought the truth and deposited it here in North America such that, it would be spread throughout the entire earth. What will bring peace to the entire earth? Can what you see happening or taking place in the Mid-east today - Can peace on earth actually be achieved by these things that you see presently taking place?

I foretold that Mr. Bush, President Bush, would be president. No, I did not publish that. I only foretold it to my wife, Misshakki Muhammad. I said to her, long before he was elected, that he would be the next president, of the United States of America. And not only would he be the next president of the United States of America, but that he would make for Americans the best president. He would defend and protect the interest of white America. He would do a better job at doing that than Dukakis. So, you can expect for the American people to elect President Bush. And I had some respect for President Bush. Until a couple of days ago.

Now what do you mean Silis, when you say that you had some respect for President Bush? I mean simply that, just because he is a Caucasian and is against Blacks and doesn't want you to know the truth. It doesn't mean that I can't respect him. One opponent can have respect for another. I did in fact have respect for President Bush. And I actually thought and still think that he was the best possible candidate for president. (To be continued)

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