A World Savior is Born by Hon. Silis Muhammad CEO of the Lost - Found Nation of Islam part 7

Do you hear me? If that belongs to the Jew, then the prophets left you out, didn't they. Well, do you want those kinds of prophets? God forgot about you. That God that they've been representing to you. You didn't count, like you don't count now. You don't have a voice in what's happening in the gulf crisis. Don't be fooled by Colin Powell. That was a tactical manipulation. Cause the majority of troops would be Black. In comparison to the number, they represent in America. The man is wise, he is a god.

Don't you go out of here foolishly thinking that you can go and pick up some guns and create some kind of makeshift bombs and destroy him. Get such foolishness out of mind. You're not to pick up any guns and try and overthrow America.

Musa taught the Jewish people - Moses taught them. Moses was in error, about the people had been told about. He went out as some of you do today. In your righteous nature. You Blackman, you want to be God. But you don't want to do what God has to do. You want to be the prophet. You want to be the leader of the Lost - Found Nation of Islam. You want to ruled over Black people. It's something in your nature Black man. You got a righteous nature. You've got a big ego too.

Do not mistake me, Musa was a righteous prophet. He was erroring about the people that the books talked about. There were a people who would be lost. When he found the Caucasian Race in the hillsides and caves of Europe. He thought that this was the people that the books talked about. So, he commences to teach them what was meant for you. Thinking them to be you.

Once he uncovered that he had taught or found the wrong people he began to prophesy write books now, Exodus, Deuteronomy, foretelling of a Moses to come, who would in fact, free a slave. The Caucasian race was not enslaved to any particular people in Europe. They were enslaved to their own mental condition. For knowledge had been taken away from them and were living a beast life.

That particular group who took up the teachings of Musa, they became known as the people you call today, the Jewish people. They settle down around the vicinity of Lithuania. They were amidst the Caucasian Race. The majority Caucasian did not except Musa's teaching. This particular Jewish people excepted it, and began now to try and convert the others into it. They rejected it at first, the idea that was brought to them by the Jewish people, at first.

You know brothers and sisters, and I'd like to share this piece of information with you that are visiting, who are also brothers and sisters. Each true Muslim brother and sister, in the wilderness of North America, right here today in your midst. His whole aim, her whole aim, her daily cry, his daily cry, daily prayer. Is to get this knowledge, this truth, this knowledge to you, who don't understand it.

He works an eight hour job, she works an eight hour job, they come home and barely have time to cook food, and then they're out on the streets selling Muhammad Speaks. Or doing something to try and see to it that you get this knowledge. You are their aim. They're working night and day, trying to get this knowledge to you.

There's a sister that I just looked at there. Ah, Akilah Chiku she didn't get an award last night. But she works her finger to the bone trying to get Muhammad Speaks out. And did for about three or four years with no kind of pay. Just trying to get the truth to you. She is representative of many Muslims, who work their fingers to the bone trying to get certain kind of information to you.

You see there is a kinship between the Muslims here in America and the so-called African American. What is that kinship? We both were, and are still slaves in America. How do we differ? We differ in that, those few over here excepted the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, peace be upon him. There were a greater number of Blacks in America, who rejected the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And in 60 years they'll occurred a little difference - not in terms of argument, but a little difference in appearance. A little difference in attitude, a little difference in knowledge between Black Muslims in America and the so - called African American. There's a difference between you. Nn

And another 60 years the difference is gonna broaden a little bit. And 60 years from that it'll be even broader. Two thousand years it will be broader. Four thousand years it will be broader still. Why? Because when Messenger Muhammad came to teach you, he began to straighten out your eating habits. And your skin tone began to take own a different coloration than that of your  black brothers and sisters who are also in America like you. He gave you some wisdom that you didn't get out of America. So you started to strut a little differently than your brother the African so - called American.

Yet you got a kinship, you are brothers you are sisters. You are the mother of a Muslim. Or the father of a non - Muslim. You got a relationship. You are one and the same people. Likewise happened 4,000 years ago between that group of Caucasian people that excepted the teaching of Musa and that group of Caucasians who rejected it.

Can you hear me?  There occurred a difference between the two. Right here today it's rare to find a Muslim brother or a Muslim sister to marry a black brother or sister who is not Muslim. You are taught to marry your own within side of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam.

(To be continued...)