A Particular Last Messenger

In the Name of Master Fard Muhammad, Almighty God Allah our Spiritual Father. And in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, called Mary in the Books of prophecy who wore a crown of 12 stars upon his head.
And with respect to the Royal Couple of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, Queen Misshaki and the Honorable Silis Muhammad do I greet you with peace in the Arabic Language,

As salaam alaikum.

In the Message to the Black man in America by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on page 249 last paragraph. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad tells you that Abraham prayed for a Prophet to be raised among a unique people or seed of his that had to be searched for.
And after they had been located and found. They would be taught by a teacher from Allah. Who would teach them of Allah's purpose and of the purpose of the Messenger being raised among them.
The Bible gives it to you in this manner, Genesis 15:13,14.

King James version, [13] And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
[14] And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.

In the 1st chapter of Message  to the Blackman page 250 he states:

"The Bible  gives us a clear prophecy and knowledge of this particular last messenger in many places. It is that he is first and the last

(meaning he holds two prophetic positions, the 1st prophetic position the Hon. Elijah Muhammad fulfills is Moses and the Last prophetic position he fulfills is John the Baptist)

who would be among the people, because they would be the only and last people without the guidance of Allah at the end of the world"

( The world that is prophesied to end is the Old World which is under the rule and guidance of Mankind)

and must be guided into the path of Allah if they are to be saved from the destruction of the enemies of Allah who had deceived and now hold that people in bondage -  the true descendants of Ishmael

(Afrodescendants who have endured 400 years of captivity in the Americas) of whom Ishmael himself was a prototype and his mother the outcast."

Note: that found in parentheses is an explanation given by the prophet like Moses and not the publisher.

As salaamu alaikum