A National Identity
In the name of Almighty God Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. And in remembrance of our Spiritual Mother Mary of the Books of prophecy, Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Praises be to the royal couple whom I give thanks, for their reestablishing the Lost-Found Nation of Islam
As salaam alaikum
We have an identity which has been established by black leaders from 19 countries. Their decision for us to call ourselves Afrodescendants has been excepted by the UN. The unity of the whole, numbers us about 240 million. How does this benefit you, you may ask? It gives you the position in life whereby your human rights will be supported by the UN. This gives you a right to sue for human rights violations when one of your loved ones are purposely injured or killed by members of the Caucasian Race here in America. It also places you in a position to sue for former UN violations such as the denial of your fore-parents rights to freedom, the ability to communicate and express themselves in their Mother tongue thus leaving you today in a state of speaking your oppressors or former slave masters language, which could be some form of English, Spanish, French or Italian. All of these are languages out of Europe and you originated out of East Asia, Africa.
The point that I am making is the UN has been notified of damages having been made to the Afrodescendants and recommendations have been made by the UN to America to pay us reparation. But as long as you continue to be independent minded, wanting only that which could benefit self and don't know that the true and the living God is within our midst.
The honorable Elijah Muhammad says to you in The Message To The Black man page 170 that "The Negro leaders are frighten to death and are afraid to ask for anything other than a job. The good things of this earth could be theirs if they only unite and acquire wealth as the masters and other nations have. The Negroes could have all of this if they could get up and go to for self. They are far too lazy as a Nation -100 years up from slavery and still looking to the Master to care for them and give them a job, bread an a house to live in on the master's land. You should be ashamed of yourselves, surely the white man has been very good in the way of making jobs for their willing slaves, but this cannot go on forever; we are about at the end of it and must do something for SELF or else.
The slave-master has given you enough education to go and do for self, but this education is not being used for self; it is even offered back to the slave masters to help them to keep you a dependant people looking to them for support. Let us unite every good that is in us for the uplifting of the American so-called Negroes to the equal of world's independent nations."
Ask for a start and the American white people, I believe, are willing to help give us a start if they see you and I are willing to do for self. It would remove from them not only the worry of trying to give jobs and schools to a lazy people but also would get them honor and sincere friendship all over the Asiatic world and God, Himself would prolong their time on the earth. We must stop relying upon the white man to care for us. We must become an independent people."
The start we're asking for is Reparation not just in the form of money but in the form of land on some of this earth that we can call our own.
As salaam alaikum