A Missed Opportunity

In the name of Master Fard Muhammad our Spiritual  Father to whom, praises are forever due, and in remembrance the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, our Spiritual Mother Mary of the book, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. And in the name of their first begotten son of Truth, the Honorable Silis Muhammad, I'd like to greet you, in the Arabic language with the greeting words of peace: As salaam alaikum.

The title of this writing is "A Missed Opportunity". You may not have realized it, but you have miss something therefore I would like to point it out to you. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, told you in the message to the black man, about the coming of the son of man and he said that the son of man who was prophesied to come is Almighty Allah in the person Master Fard Muhammad. He states on page 10, 2nd paragraph from the bottom "You must forget about ever seeing the return of Jesus, Who was here 2,000 years ago. Set your heart on seeing the One that He prophesied would come at the end of the present world's time (the white race's time)."

On page 12 of the message to the black man paragraph 3, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad writes, asking the question, "Where is the Son coming from?" Then he answers himself by saying in the next sentence " Prophet Jesus compared His coming as "the lightning." In the next paragraph, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad states, "But the Son of Man's coming is like  both the lightning and our day sun." Note that he italizes the word both.
Both means two (2).  So two (2) persons are coming, they both are being called the Son of Man. One is prophesied to come from the East like the lightning by Jesus of 2,000 years ago and the other one rises up from among the dead (spiritually) here in the western hemisphere of America, like the sun was predicted to rise in the West (spiritually).
The point that I'm making is this: for the most part, the majority of Muslims in the Nation Of Islam were not present to witness or see Master Fard Muhammad. Therefore, you missed that moment and are only today left in this moment, to believe in Master Fard Muhammad. And some today, were not present even to see the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in person.
With that being said, please allow me to bring your attention to another opportunity that's present now.
The Son of Man that was stated to rise in the West like our day sun, by the Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is here in our mist. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is not the Christ. He taught, Christ means, one coming in the last day to crush the wicked. See page 289, 2nd paragraph: "Christ, spiritually means, One Who is coming at the end to crush the power of the infidel or the race of devils."

The Caucasian race was not crushed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in in fact aren't the still in power. He led the Lost Found Nation of Islam for 40 plus years, that is the works of the prophetic Moses. See Bible Joshua chapter 5: 6 thru 8 verses.

He, Moses in the person of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad saids on page 158, "This is the true type of a man like Moses. If you study the prophecy concerning the last Messenger of God, according to the description given to the man by the Bible's prophecy in the Torah and the Gospel, you will find that he is a man, according to the Psalms with the name of "Muhammad" and also you will find him in the revelations under the symbolical name "Lamb"." Note that the Honorable Elijah said, according to the Bible's prophecy and not according to the  Moses in History who civilize the Caucasian Whites, would there be a Prophet with the name Muhammad like  unto him.

The Prophet like Moses is a cover title for Jesus. Google it on your phones and ask, who is the Prophet like Moses? Stop looking for Jesus. The one prophesied to come is already here. Moses of 4,000 years ago went up into the Caucasus Mountains and civilized the white race. That is his True History according to the teaching of the Honorable Elijah. The whites that excepted his (Moses of 4,000 years ago) teaching, called themselves Jews.
After learning that the prophecy was not meant for them, they tampered with Musa's writings in the Old testament. That is the truth of their past.

Now they have the nations if the earth believing and the Christians propagating the teaching, that the are the fulfillers of Moses' prophecy in the Bible, and that they are God's chosen people. They are not from the lineage of Abraham through Isaac as some have been mislead to believe. Their father is  not your father.

Your father created the heavens and the earth , and you come from him. They are a made human being. Hued out of the Original Black Nation from a group of us who followed Yacub and his works. Furthermore they are not even man, they are mankind. How be it that the Son of Man would come seeking mankind and not man.

I pray you don't miss this opportunity to see the Son of Man amongst us. Are you going in the wrong direction? Tell me truthfully those of you in the Nations of Islam, have you seen the Moses of prophecy in the flesh and blood? Have you seen the one he called the Mahdi of the Muslims and Christ of the Christians in the flesh and the blood? You missed the 1st Son of Man. Will you miss the 2nd?
