A Government Upon His Shoulder (cont. 2) By Silis Muhammad

What do I want to stay here for in the mystery god's world and it's unrighteous. It' a drunken world. It's a world that condems my people. It's a world that makes slaves out of my people. What do I want to stay in the world of the mystery god for? I want a world that - where gods are men. So that I can look at him, and talk to him, and challenge him if he don't do right. And I surely will challenge him if he don't do right. Cause I'm a right doer.

I believe in truth. I believe in being right with my fellow black brother. I believe in being right with my fellow black brother. As long as my fellow black brother wants to be right. I don't believe in turning cheeks to white people. And I'm not. And I'm not going to teach you to do that either.

White people are not your brothers. White women are not your lovers. White women nor their little white children. They are the devil. And they come and teach you about Jesus. I mean this Christian Caucasian Race has the gall to come and teach my black brothers and sisters about a Jesus that he's never seen. That - he has no knowledge of Jesus.

The only thing that this Christian white world know about Jesus is what King of England wrote in the Bible. That same King who had his mother for a wife. He reads his book King James, and then come and teach you about what Jesus said. What Jesus looked like. He don't know nothing about what Jesus looked like. And then he paints a picture for you of Jesus, and hangs a white pale faced, blond haired, blue eyed cracker, on you wall for your Jesus. And you fall down, humbling yourself on your knees, praying to that Jesus. I say get up off your knees! There is no such thing, as no White Jesus. And if it is: Why isn't he here helping you?

He is helping the white man. His white Spook Jesus is helping him. What has he done for you? He's done nothing for me. In fact, if he came to do something now I wouldn't except it. I'd say, look stringy haired, white pale faced honky. Get the hell out of my face.

No, I'm not really angry yet. Wait till I see the guy. Then I'll get angry, when I see him. Just to look at that thing would make me angry. And talking about he is my god. Ain't no way no white man could be my god. It's just ain't possible. I would kill myself before I'd let a devil be my god. Ain't no way,  that I will raise my children teaching them that a white, pale face man, is there god, is  their Jesus. They don't know nothing about no Jesus. They are nothing but liers, untruthful stinking people. As I told you earlier I got the freedom of speech. And I'm speeching.

Now just in case my intellectual blacks gonna condemn me. I am speaking. I know how you think too. You better come out from out there too. The black world is looking at you too. If they ain't looking at you now. They're be looking at you when I through. Cause if you don't get straight black intellectual. The black masses is going to turn on you.

I hope - I hope you can hear me. It's time intellectual blacks for you to stop being so asinine, so ignorant. You got plenty of knowledge. You know how to run a computer. You know how to do law, how to practice medicine. You better leave those white girls alone, and come on home. These little bitty black brothers and black sisters down here in the mud are going to rise up and they are going to look and question you. What did you do for them? Why didn't you bring some of that knowledge back and teach them? Why did you run out there in the white neighborhood and try to be white? Why did you try to speak white? Why didn't you come over here and try to give us some knowledge, and teach us? You know about a government. Why don't you come and help us build a government? This black people is going to rise up. They're going to rise up. It's destin.

If you ask him. If you ask this Caucasian race. What does Jesus look like? He wouldn't know. He does not know what Jesus look like. In this respect, I agree with my spiritual brother Imam Warith (Wallace) D. Muhammad. That you should go home and take all those white Jesus' down off the wall. I wish that Imam Warith (Wallace) D. Muhammad or one of my ministers would organize between us since we agree on that one issue, a barn fire rally. Where we would go through all or homes and take all these white pictures of Jesus and take them out to our land and have a barn fire. Burning up Jesus. Wouldn't that be fun? It would be fun to to me. And after he get through burning, we could pour some kerosene on the ashes and burn it again. That's how I feel about the white Jesus. Or that's how I feel about the mysterious Jesus period.

He ain't coming. He ain't going to do nothing, my knees ain't shaking unless I shake them. So you don't have to be afraid. It's no God, and no Jesus coming to do anything to you. If he does just call on Silis Muhammad. I don't think he's any match for Me. I'm a Man. I don't think spirits are any match for men. I don't know anything about karate or aikido but I can talk awful bad. I might scare him with my mouth. You know how the little dogs go woof, woof, woof, and make you think they going to bite. I'll make him think I'm going to bite if I don't. But I'll bite. Now I will bite, I'm not just barking. I want the whiteman and his mystery god to know, that I will bite. And there are a whole lot of other black men, who will bite.

In fact at the time Moses was living I hear something about some death angels. I really did. Said that they are bean soup babies. Been raised all their life on bean soup. To do nothing but destroy America. So it's a whole lot of black people, who will bite. As soon as you go out there and raise them up with the truth. What does Jesus look like? What does he - who knows what Jesus look like?

Well one thing for sure. The bible gives us some measure of a description about him. If you read it closely, you would've have to conclude that he's black. Now it doesn't say how tall he is. But it does say his hair is kinky like wool. Does say that that his face is like burnt brass. That certainly doesn't look white to me. He don't know what Jesus look like but he has knowledge on how to trap you. How to put you into some kind of mental trap. Have you saying Ah, I don't believe in Islam. I have a religion, my religion is Catholic, my religion is Methodist, my religion is Jehovah witness or I'm a Baptist. These are nothing but traps when you run out of Baptist then he creates Jehovah's witness for you. It's still Christianity, where he teaches you again of the white Jesus. I am telling you. There ain't no white Jesus. And if it is, so what. Let him go over there to the white people. I've got my Black Jesus. I've got Black Jesus. I don't need white Jesus.

His teaching does nothing but put you in slavery. Make slaves out of you. Have you believing in some mystery god, and you'll be a slave to him, keeping him rich. Buying his automobiles, buying his knifes and forks and his silver and his glasses. Do you realize that you don't make nothing.

The other day I wanted to go out and buy something. I said, well what can I buy that the black man makes. And you know that here in America I could hardly think of nothing that the black man makes but some curls for the hair. I don't want no curls for my hair I want my hair to be kinky like lambs wool. But I do want a black Maserati. I mean a car that's Maserati like, made by a black man. I would like to wear a suit tailor and fitted made by a black man. A white shirt made by a black man or a black woman. Eat out of a china made by the hands of a black person. Drink out of a crystals glass made by the hands of a black man a black woman. Scoop the food up with a fork, silver made by the hands if a black man or a black woman. I can't do that. You know why. Because my mother and father and her mother and father mothers spent 400 years in slavery believing in a mystery god. So they don't make nothing. Because they believe a mystery god. Can you imagine that. That this god that they believe in, won't encourage them to produce nothing. What kind of a god is that?

I am going to be your God. Since that mystery god won't do nothing for you, I am going to be your God. I have decided it for you, you don't have to decide. I have already decided six years ago. That I am going to be the blackman's God since he needs a God. I want them to be able to see that I'm not a Spirit. And I didn't just jump up and say that I am going to be a God and be here today, I planned, I wrote it down six years ago. I mean I planned all of this, from beginning to end. I know pricisely what the end is going to be like. Cause I planned it already. And I'm just walking going in accordance with those plans. I got books about this talk, that I've written all that's going to take place, and left some instructions for the next man to come after me. And didn't no spirit inspire me to do it. I wouldn't accept it if he would. Now I'm being arrogant am I. Who would follow an old arrogant man like that?

Let me try and humble myself a little bit. I am going to humble myself. Because I don't want you to say. Ah, this old arrogant man. I want you to come and help me. Cause you see, I'm not the only God. You're God too. It's just I'm not scared to say it. But you are - Moses told you that the black man was God didn't he? Well I have decided to be. When will you decide to be God? I'm just following what the forerunner said I would do. Said that I would stand up here and say that I am God. Didn't he. He said that I would teach you and lead you into all truth. And that's what I'm going to do. (To be continued)