A Government Upon His Shoulder by the Honorable Silis Muhammad

CEO Of the Lost Found Nation of Islam

As salaam alaikum. Please take your seats. The topic that I want to speak to you on is, A government upon his shoulder. Just prior to getting into that topic, let me take a moment and just speak to you causally, on the subject of knowledge.

Knowledge as a power:

Knowledge in the mind, or in the head of one man, and knowledge or the same knowledge absent in the mind of a second man. Places the man who has the knowledge in a position of power, over the man who has not the Knowledge. It is like unto one man having a gun, a revolver in his hand. And Saying to the other man, who does not have a revolver.
Move over here. Move over there. The man without the knowledge, is obliged to move. This is the thing that separates you, my people, from the white man. I don't say this to make you feel badly. But I say it as a matter of truth. The essential thing that separates you from him in power, is he has knowledge over you. He has a knowledge that you don't have. And because he has that knowledge, and make use of it, you end up being his slave.

Today, that is the position that you are in. And He would not like it to well if he knew, just what Allah has in his mind. He would not like it. Certainly, he encourages black men to speak out. To air your difference, to air you view. Give vent to it he says. He believes that long as you are allowed the freedom of speech and given the vent to what moves inside of you. Then you won't do anything physically. So, he encourages you to speak. So don't be afraid about what I am saying. For I and you both have freedom of speech.

The only time you can expect real serious problem is when you take what I say and start to act upon it. So don't do no acting upon what I say.  I'm going to say a lot today, and it's explosive and provocative. Don't act upon it though, because he will put you in jail. He would love to take you and myself to jail but we have protection and are immune in this moment so long as we talk. Freedom of speech is granted by the Constitution. So, I am going to talk.

Now, don't you be afraid of the things that I say. For now, I am the one talking. And if anybody should be afraid, it should be I. You could only be penalized for listening. And there is no crime for listening. I am the one who would be charged, if you act. But I'm telling you in advance. Don't act. Because I don't want to go to jail just yet. I do plan on going however, clear. Because I don't plan to just talk. I didn't come to talk. I and tired of you living in hell. And you must come out, and talk is not going to get you out. You going to have to do something to get out. And when I come forward and say let's do. Let's do.

Let me have your attention. But don't do nothing if my officer comes forward. Don't do nothing if sister or brother come forward. Only do what I say when I come forward. I am not going to stand behind a closed door and whisper. I am going to lead you into battle if we must go. I will be out in front.

No, I don't want to sound arrogant. I'm basically a humble person. Yes, I am, whether I appear that way or not. I am humble. I'm also loving, and kind, and tender, and generous, and merciless. And a hell raiser, if I don't get heaven. I want heaven. I want peace on this earth while I live. I don't want it when I die. It can stay in hell when I die. I want it while I live. I want peace. I want big, beautiful mansions. I want gold. I want diamonds. I want oil. I want all pockets filled with money. I want to be the boss of my own government. I want control over my own country. I want the white man off the planet.

I don't tell you to go kill him. He's gonna kill himself as soon as he gets through listening to what I have to say. I can talk. Freedom of speech. Now I'm not eloquent. I don't mean, I can talk, that I'm eloquent. I mean I can talk because I got freedom of speech. I wish I were eloquent. I could really go then couldn't I. Knowledge, that's what I want to give you. Is knowledge to make you equal with him. The only reason why he owns this building, and you don't, is because he has knowledge about something that you don't have. The only reason why he is the president of this country and you're not. Is because he has knowledge about something that you don't have. And I want to give you the knowledge that he has. And moreover, knowledge which he doesn't have. And shall never ever have.

For the kingdom that you are to build, shall last forever. And the only way that it can last forever. Is that you've got everlasting knowledge. Now I'm not going to be foolish and give him knowledge. That belongs to you. There is a certain amount of knowledge that I must give to awaken you. But I got to guard against what I say because I can give too much. And he can end up with it still controlling you.

First understand and except this. There is no God besides Man. Now that's the first premise that you got to stand up on. As long as you believe that there is a mystery god that he teaches you about. Then you won't get this knowledge that I'm talking about. You'll reject it and that's a part of the knowledge. Is that there is no God besides Man. And he knows that. But you do not.

The thing that he knows that allow him to keep the control that he has over you mainly is the knowledge of government. Now he doesn't teach that in his schools. He definitely doesn't teach it in his churches or in his synagogues. The knowledge of government. How to run a government. The topic of my subject is that He has A government upon His shoulder. And certainly, I'm not talking about the white man having a government upon his shoulder. I'm talking about a statement in prophecy in the book of Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6. Which talks about a particular man coming. And upon his coming, he will have a government upon his shoulder.

Now if he is going to have a government upon his shoulder. Chances are he would have had to know what a government is and how to govern a people. Now this is where essentially you are lacking. Is that you don't know how to govern self. But if you take a look at him. You will see that the Caucasian race is governing his self and you. Do you agree? Certainly, he is.

He is properly or adequately governing himself. So that he definitely has the knowledge of government. But you don't. Or that if you do. Why are you not governing us? Chances are you don't have the knowledge of government. You don't know how to govern self.

Don't think that this white man is so smart. And don't think that he's do dumb either. He didn't just sit out there in the white house and by chance because of his great genius, his great wisdom, he started governing himself. It didn't happen like that. He studied a book, he studied history. He looked back in history and saw how governments are run. Why governments fell. What to keep governments going. And he the so-called founding fathers of this country who were learned men, decided upon the kind of government that they would have here in this country before setting off on their foot to take the colonies from England.

They already knew the kind of government they would have. That knowledge you don't have. He already knew that there was a thing, an entity called a monarchy, he knew that. He that there was an entity called the aristocracy. He knew that in advance. He knew that there was another thing called the popular government, or the democratic government. He had prior knowledge of all those forms of governments. He had witnessed the government of Rome. He had seen the government there, come from a Monarch to Aristocracy to a Republic. He had witnessed the government of Venice. He had this knowledge capture in a book.

He saw that the Monarch, the three basic kinds of government a Monarchy, the Popular which is the Democratic system and the Aristocracy. These are three basic kinds. But he would contend that there are six. The offspring of this three will get six. For the Monarchic government reduces to what? Tyranny, Anarchism, it degenerates. He knew that in advance. He that the aristocracy would degenerate and becomes another form of government resembling the aristocracy but corrupt. And that's all he's talking about.

He had this in advance. He knew that the democratic system also would degenerate and become a system whereby you had to have a license to do anything that you wanted to do. Get your fingernail trimmed, you got to be licensed to open that kind of a shop. To get a haircut. You have to have a license to be a barber. To be a doctor you have to have a license to practice medicine. He knew that that would ultimately come. (This lecture will be continued)