A Government Upon His Shoulder (cont. 5) By the Honorable Silis Muhammad

From the Caucasian Race by teaching what he taught. My Savior Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever. He is the Wonderful Counselor.

It is taught that Jesus of 2,000 years ago by the Christians, is to return. That he is going to return at the end of 2,000 years. I'll tell you a truth, 2,000 years is just about up. There's only about 16 and a half years more to go. (From the time this speech was given) And 2,000 years would be up, wouldn't it. It seems to me, that if Jesus was coming, he should've been here.

Cause I don't see how in the world he's going to convert some of my people in 16 years, and convince them He's Jesus. Moses taught for 44 and couldn't convince you that he was the last Messenger. How is Jesus going to convince my people, hey I'm Jesus. He only has 16 years in which to do it. If he's going to to come to do it. And if he's going to come to do it.He should have been here about 6 years ago, at least. Cause even at 6 years ago. It's still hard. They still don't believe that he's coming. And it's only 16 more years to go before the end of 2,000 years. And what would be the condition?  Or the - I mean what would he do? How would he come? If he came floating in a cloud, with a long white robe on. I can see some of the brother and sisters that I was in the grave with 10 years ago saying. What's happening? What's you smoking man? Give me a bag of that. Can't you see that?And suppose he saids I'm Jesus. They say, yeah. That's what they would do. I mean he's going to have a hard time coming that way, a very hard time.

And suppose he comes riding a donkey. He would have even a harder time. Wouldn't he sisters? Sisters want to look at some brothers with some Cadillacs. That's got some worth, some material worth. She'd say no Jesus, I don't think I want to follow you, don't look like you to successful. I'm interested in security. How much security can you offer me riding a jackass? I mean some would say that. And suppose he came in a black suit and a tie, talking naturally. You would have to examine him, wouldn't you? You've say something is wrong with this man talking about he's Jesus. He's got to be crazy. In the 19th, 20th century, saying he's Jesus. Jesus was 2,000 years ago man you're crazy. You got to be a lier. You're not Jesus. That's what you'll probably say to him, wouldn't you. I mean if he came, just talking plain english, saying wake up! The 2,000 years is up. How would he have to come to convince you, Jesus is here. What - He certainly can't come on his jackass can he? He certainly can't do that. I mean, even I wouldn't except him on a jackass. Now I would listen to a Black man that have on a suit. Or has on a suit. Has his hair combed. I'll listen at least. I don't know for sure whether I'd except him as being Jesus right away. It might take me 16 years. But that's all the time that I have. All that you have if Jesus was to come at the end of 2,000 years. He was here 2,000 years ago. Two thousand years will be up in 16 and a half years. Now I am so certain, that he is not coming. And for those of you in the getto like me. He ain't coming. I'm so certain that he ain't coming that I'm tempted to stay around and wait. Just to prove that he has already come. Cause at the end of 16 years. You are only going to see me anyway.

I am going to be the only one here. That's right, it's the truth. I would stay here just to prove it to you, that Jesus of 2,000 years ago is not coming back. And if he does I'll run him back. So he would be to late. Sixteen years from now will be to late for him to be doing what Jesus is supposed to be doing. He would have to have so time to teach you, about the government that you're suppose to live within. I am tempted to wait around to see - to let you see that is. If he is coming, for I know that he is already here. A Government upon His Shoulder. Jesus of 2,000 years ago did not have a government upon his shoulder. If he did the Jews took it when they killed him. Where is it? It does not exist. The Jews do not foster the government that Jesus had upon his shoulder. If they do, well then Jesus of 2,000 years ago brought a wicked government. The Caucasian Race their government is not exemplary of a government that Jesus brought 2,000 years ago. If it is, again it's a wicked government. W her is that government that Jesus brought 2,000 years ago, if he in fact brought a government. In fact he did not bring a government. You can't establish a government in three years anyway. It takes longer than three years to establish an everlasting government. If he is going to return and at that time a government is going to be upon his shoulder. What kind of a government would Jesus have upon his shoulder? Now I can tell you precisely, the kind of government that Jesus would have upon his shoulder and what kind he would not have upon his shoulder.

Pause with me for a moment. First I am not going to tell you what kind of a government Jesus would have upon his shoulder. But if you watch closely you will see that government unfolding it would be awful foolish of me to try and point out to you the kind of government that Jesus would have upon his shoulder. Because that's a knowledge  that the white man would want too. Because the government that the man is suppose to have upon his shoulder is a government that is to last forever. (To be continued)
