A Government Upon His Shoulder By The Honorable Silis Muhammad (cont. 4)

We wouldn't have to say that, he is the Last messenger. Why not just celebrate his birthday, since he did such a great work for black people. Why does not, the white Christian world celebrate the birthday of Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman why? Theses are people that he could see. These are people he knew. He doesn't know anything about Jesus. But he wants to celebrate Jesus' birthday.

All of a sudden he loves a black Jesus. The white man is telling an untruth. He doesn't love Jesus. He loves to keep you enslaved. He knows that as long as he teaches you of Jesus, and that Jesus will be returning to you. You will be his slave.

That's what he is doing. In his school system. His school system once a year Once a year, for the most part, he has what is called black history week. Maybe two weeks of black history. But he's in love with Jesus. Why not teach the history of Jesus in public schools, since he such a lover of yours. Or you're such a lover of his. Why teach black history only once a year, since you love black so well. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. What's wrong is that the white man is a lier. He's an untruthful human being. He's a thief, a murderer, and he was a lier from the beginning.

What he say to you, you aught to do the opposite. That's what I do. He say that God's a spirit. I say that he's a man. He say. Why do you say that we're devils? Black people are Devils too. I say you just a got that wrong. Black people are God. Look at the treatment that he pays the black leaders today. Does he hold them in reverence? The black leaders of today? Does he respect them? He does not. Certainly Jesus was a black man, according to my leader and teacher, the most honorable Elijah Muhammad.

I'm talking about Isaiah 9:6. A Government Upon His Shoulder. But you can't receive the man that I want to talk about. As long as you believe that there is a Mystery God and that the white man is alright, that he is you brother. He can never be your brother. There is an obvious difference between you and the white man. He is white and you're black. Isn't that obvious?

Ok, so you say, if you cut him his blood is red. Yes, if you cut a snake his blood is red. But he is not my brother. A snake is, because his blood is red. Well color is only skin deep. Well a snakes flesh is about the color of your flesh, if you cut him, isn't it? But that doesn't change the nature of a snake. He is still a snake. And the white man is a snake. A devil, he is not your brother. And he has told you untruths.

There is no such thing, brother and sister as a Spirit God. That chump just does not exists. He doesn't. Now I keep using these adjectives cause I'm trying to provoke him. I want him to come out of his cloud. Or out of his hiding and whip me. But he is not coming. Because he does not exist. The only God that exist, is the God that's in your mind. And because you cannot see god, is because you cannot see your mind. The image of God is yourself. Look in the mirror black man and you will see the living God.

In the bible there at Isaiah 9:6 the writers of the book makes mention of the character of the man who would be coming at the end of 2,000 years. They say that he would be called the prince of peace. Now if Jesus of 2,000 years ago was the prince of peace.And the white people, white Christian World celebrate and hold Jesus out in that position as being the prince of peace. And that they are lovers of his and followers of his. Why don't they spread peace?

Why are there wars in Vietnam, if he is following Jesus who is the prince of peace. Why was there a Korean conflict or the Bay of pig invasion. If the Christian World is following Jesus, and Jesus is the prince of peace. Why was there World War Two? Why was there World War One? Why are these Christians dropping dope out of airplanes? Why is dope, marijuana sold in a Christian country? A country that follows and teach - preaching of Jesus is a prince of peace.Why are there prostitution houses? Why is whisky sold in a Christian government? Why are there guns made? Why is there the arms race in a Christian government, and they follow Jesus who is the prince of peace? Don't you know that some thing is wrong. That just does not make sense does it. If you're following a man who is the prince of peace, and you go out and make guns to cause a war. Something is obviously wrong.

At Isaiah 9:6, It said of that person: That  He would be the Everlasting Father. At Isaiah 9:6, this man who is going to come with a Government Upon His Shoulder', that He would be the Everlasting Father. The white man teaches the Christian world. The whole of the Christian World including the pope of Rome teaches that Jesus of 2,000 years ago fulfilled that prophecy. That he was the one who came in fulfillment of that prophecy of Isaiah 9:6. Therefore they are concluding that he is the Everlasting Father. Look at that paradox.

If Jesus of 2,000 years ago, was the Everlasting Father. Why did he say? Father would you let this cup pass by me. Jesus is not admitting that he is the Everlasting Father. To the contrary, Jesus is admitting that he is not even the prophet who should be here at that time. In fact he is saying, that I must go away. That the comforter can come. Another one is going to come after me. Because I came out of time. So consequently, Jesus of 2,000 years ago cannot be the Everlasting Father.

Even in the prayer that he offered to the people. He prayed to a God outside of himself. Our Father which are in heaven. How then, do the Christian say that Jesus is the one who came in fulfillment of that prophecy Isaiah 9:6, and that he, is the Everlasting Father.

I say that, If you don't help and get the white man off the planet: That he will be the everlasting lier. Because that's all he is doing is lying to you. To keep you a slave. Jesus was no more an Everlasting Father than I or you. And neither I or you are the Everlasting Father. The Everlasting Father is Master Fard Muhammad. That's who the Everlasting Father is. He is the one who came in fulfillment of that prophecy, Isaiah 9:6.

And what would be the point if Jesus of 2,000 years ago - Let's except for a moment the Christians view. That Jesus of 2,000 years ago is that Everlasting Father. They say he is going to come back and at that time he is going to establish his government. What would be the point in Jesus coming back. For what reason would he come back?

They teach that the flesh and blood can't enter heaven.So Jesus would only come back to kill them, wouldn't he. There isn't any reason for him to come back, but to kill them, to take them to heaven with him. They can't go there according to their teaching by flesh and blood, so they'd have to die. They waiting on Jesus to come back to kill them? Isn't that dumb? I mean the thought. Look at how stupid you were.

I mean this white man really had us brain washed. I mean that's just dumb to even think about it. He even went over into Africa as missionaries spreading that lie. That Jesus is going to return, with the kingdom. But the only way that you could enter into Gods kingdom is become a spirit. To become a spirit you got to die. So he's coming back to kill you. It's said about that person, who would coming in fulfillment of  that prophecy of Isaiah 9:6 that he would be the Mighty God. Was Jesus the Mighty God? Was Jesus of 2,000 years ago, the Mighty God? Jesus did not say himself that he was the Mighty God.

But my Savior Master Fard Muhammad. He said to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad I'm God. I am the Great Mahadi. The one that the world has been expecting for the last 2,000 years. This is what Master Fard Muhammad said, a human being. He was not afraid to say, the spirit is not god. He was not afraid to say man is god. He was not afraid to say.  I man am god. Didn't anything happen to him. Didn't anything happen to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad but success. Upon his passing away peace be upon him. He was worth something above 80 million dollars.

Teaching what? The Black man is God. That there is no spirit god. White man is the Devil. Can you imagine that a man being that successful in America. Right here with the white man teaching g that he is the devil. And get 80 million dollars for doing it. How much have the others got for teaching that the spirit is god?  I don't want to poke fun of my brother Martin Luther King. And I'm not really poking fun of him. But what did he get for believing in a spirit god? What did he get? He's got a  street call after him out there. But he don't have me standing up here representing him today. He doesn't. I'm not carrying on what Martin Luther King represented. I don't teach walk hand in hand with white children. I'm not going to get 80 million dollars for teaching that.

Martin Luther King didn't get 80 million dollars for teaching that. He got shot. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad didn't get shot. He taught that the white man was the Devil. So that's the safe route.

This man was to be call Wonderful Counselor. I believe my Savior Master Fard Muhammad was a Wonderful Counselor when he said: the white man is the devil. That was the best news I've ever heard. When I first heard it I trembled a little bit. And I wondered ah, is there any in this temple. That brother better be careful saying that. The white man is the Devil. Isn't that remarkable. Look at that piece of wisdom that knowledge and look at that courage in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. To be able to stand up here in America, right in the house of the Caucasian Race and say he is the Devil. Look at that. Look at the counselor who taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad how to escape harm. (To be continued.)
