A Government upon His Shoulder By the Honorable Silis Muhammad (cont.1)

He knew that,  that would ultimately come. A time when he would have to issue a license to try and control the people. That's all a government is about, is controlling a people.

Having this knowledge in advance, he decided that what I would do. I will take all three a Monarchic system an Aristocracy System, a Democratic system and merge them all into one, and call it a Republic. And in this Republic, rather than having a Dictator. I'll have a President. Rather than having the Nobles, I'll call them the Senate. And rather than calling them Democrats or the Popular System. I'll call them the House of Representatives. And I will make each one of these powers balance and check the other. But what he did not realize was that, that system won't last either.

You know it, and Im going to show it to you. You've already seen the turmoil in it, haven't you. Lincoln has already been assassinated, in this merging of systems of government. Kennedy has already been assassinated in this merging of systems of government. It has already degenerated in other words. Nixon has already gone thru the water gate, hasn't he. So there's corruption existing in the government already. Certainly it won't last as long as did the government of Rome. But that's what he is trying to copy. The government of Rome.

But he doesn't teach you about these systems. And that he has merged these systems together, for the purpose of governing self. And with what? Law. A system of law. Through this legislative department does he try or attempt to govern himself, and govern you. You do not govern yourself. You don't have a government. It is for that reason, that the Books of prophecy, the Bible teach, or projects, that there would be one coming, with a government upon his shoulder.

He will be coming not to a people that already has a government. Who is already experimenting. Who's government has already degenerated. He would be coming to a people who are servants within a government. He would give them a government and take them out. Pardon me, if I insult your religious beliefs. I will try to be humble. I don't want to insult you. I would want you to join on with me and help me to give knowledge to the rest of my people so we can get out of here before it is to late.

This government, America is doom. It's going to fall. I don't have to do any thing physically to tear it down. It's going to tear itself down. What I want to do however is push it a little bit. It's moving a little too slow for me. And by pushing it, I mean teach you. So that you can come out of it.

For as long as you support it, it may stand. The moment that you stop supporting it. It'll fall. So stop supporting it and come and help me grow food build homes, build our own government. When you decide that you're going to do that. Then you will see how quickly will this government fall. When you come over here with me. Let's separate from our old slave master. Let's get our own home. Let's raise our own food. Let's make our own clothing. In fact, let's go to Africa. Where there's plenty of land. Plenty of gold. Plenty of diamonds. Let's go.

Why do you want to stay here. For what? To be a TV watcher. Watch him parade on his TV. To run his corporations To be the Mayor of his city. To be the Mayor of his city. To be his titular head. To be his puppet. To be his modern day uncle Tom. When you can be the real Tom in your own county.

I tell you a truth. Our people are not going to put up with this any more. You're going to see the rise of a black masses that's going to shake America. They gonna throw off that old spooky belief about a mystery God doing this and doing that. They going to come to this realization that I'm in and say, that there is no God besides man.What good anyway is there, or value to you is there in being a robot for a mystery god. I mean a robot for a mystery god. You do what the mystery god say do. A mystery god, you are his robot. He works thru you. He's a mystery.

I mean can you imagine that.Can you see those little robots there on TV. On Star Trek, well that's what some of our people are for the white man. And they believe that they are that, for a mystery god. They don't know that, that mystery god is the Caucasian race. That's a knowledge you don't know. There is no such thing as a mystery god.

I have examine the books. I have examine the spaces, the galaxy. And there is no God besides Man. If you find a mystery god bring him to me. I want to take my teeth and put them in his neck and shake him. After I get through shaking him I want to dash him on the floor. Stamp him with my feet and twist it a bit. Then I want to spit on him. That's how I feel about this so called mystery omnipotent god. To hell with him. I am God. The Blackman is God. And we don't need no other god. So Christian white world, keep that filthy mystery god in your own church. We going to kick him out of our neighborhood. He didn't bring me any food. He didn't take my momma and poppa off of the slave tree. He haven't made me the president of the country. I don't have or own the army. Following a robot or being a robot for a mystery god. Well then later for the mystery god. He haven't done a damn thing for me.

Now don't you get scare. I'm the one talking. Don't get scare. He's not going to do anything the mystery god. I been challenging him for years. He won't show up. He's probably scare. So you don't have to let your knees shake. Or they maybe shaking for me. I feel sorry for that little brother. That god is gonna get him. Well let him get me. I choose to die, rather than live in this world of lies.
