A Government Upon His Shoulder By Honorable Silis Muhammad (cont.6)

And certainly the Caucasian Race would want his government to last forever. For the government that he is in, would not last forever.So he will be trying to steal an ear, to hear, what kind of  a government, is that, that can last forever. But you can rest assured that it is not a Monarchy government. It's not an Aristocracy, nor is it the Democratic Class that you see him exercising. For that kind of a government will not last. The Republican government that you see, is not lasting for him, is it. It's corrupt isn't it. Then it would not last for you. It would not be an everlasting government.

I will however, while I won' t tell you what the government is, give you a hint or two. On the second thought maybe I won't. In fact I won't. I should charge you for knowledge. That's what he does. Make you pay for knowledge. I'm not going to charge you for knowledge. I'm going to give it to you, at the temple. I'm not going to give it to the devil. I'm going to keep the knowledge, on what kind of a government that will last forever. There would be a lot of people who would want that knowledge, wouldn't it. Well that knowledge is here already. It's already here, what kind of a government that would last forever. Don't be so quick brothers and sisters to condemn that which you see taking place. For that which you condemn may be the essential thing that - or out of which your government may grow. You always seek for unity. You notice how much you seek after unity and how far away you are from it. You have the misconception, that strength is in unity. That's a misconception. There is more strength in disunion than in union. I know that some of my people will argue with me. But you won't win. For I have all of nature to back up me. To support what I say.

If strength ultimately was in unity. Then you would be walking around w'ntith a clenched fist, no doubt. When I pull my five independent separate fingers together, I will end up with a clenched fist, and you would say that's where power is. But look at how limited I would be. To walk around with a clenched fist all day. I couldn't write the book.  I couldn't pick up the food with a fork. I couldn't point with a finger. There are many things I would not be able to do, that I can do, with these fingers being in disunity. There are many things that I can do. If my legs were not - in disunion, I wouldn't be able to walk. I would not have the power to walk, if my legs were united joined together. I just couldn't walk - if my arms were joined together, if my eyes were joined together. Each one of them got there own separate independent function. If we wanted that as power. That is the way we would have created you. Power is in disunion not in union. That's as far as I'll go.

A son is given. This is what the prophecy say. There's going to be a son given today. The white man would have you believe that, that son that's given is Jesus of 2,000 years ago. When have you seen in the modern times, in the so-called progressive  white society where the white man has excepted black African children in his home. Raising them as his own. He will except the Asians. And you carry them as orphanage children and adopt them doesn't he. Yes you seen this publishsided on TV in mass. But how often have you seen him adopting black children in his family. He does not do that in mass Then what grounds have you to believe that he excepted Jesus as his son or as his leader? Or into his family that he loves him. Don't believe that. The white man is not in love with Jesus. He is not in love with you. He has been in love with no black prophet. He uses the name of Jesus or black prophets to foster his dirty religion. For unto us a child is born that's what the prophecy say. Isaiah 9:6. Jesus was not born white. Jesus of 2,000 years ago was born Black he was from the line of Isaac. He was a Black man. He certainly cannot have been born into the white family. Those Christian teachers are nothing but untruthful people. And that's about all you can make of it.

The government to be established by this Jesus that's going to return at the end of 2,000 years. Where would his government be established? If the White man is so in love with Jesus and Jesus is returning to establish a government. Why is he trying to leave this planet and go to the moon? Does he expect for Jesus to follow him to the moon and established the government there? Or to Mars. I mean this is just common sense. He is trying his best, to get out of America himself. Making almost every ten years if not sooner. Trying to explore the outer space. Try I g to find a new home. What's wrong with America? Why does not the White man want to live here? Because the prophecy say that it is going to be destroyed. Why would Jesus of 2,000 years ago return to North America, a place that going to be destroyed, to establish a government? Does it make sense? Even he teaches that the world is going go be destroyed at the end of 6,000 years. Doesn't he?

Well if his world is going to be destroyed. Where would Jesus establish his government? It would not be in America. Why? Because America is a iulden of thieves. It a sinful world. Even he admits it. W her would that government be ultimately established? It would be established in Africa. That's where that government would ultimately be established. Would the white man be a party to it? The answer is simply no. He's being run out of Africa right now. He would not be a party to that government. Certainly the white man has tricked us. He has told you an untruth. At the end of 6,000 years, that man who is the prince of peace, the mighty god, everlasting father, the son that is given, the child that is born. He is to appear in the Western World. That person is Master Fard Muhammad. He has already come and has gone. Note the prophecy though. It said that He would have a government upon His shoulder. It did not say that He would establish the government. He would run the government. He would just be bring it. He would not be the one however, Who would establish it. Who would run it, Who would rule it, Who would control it. All he was to do was to bring it. He has brought it. If you would read Our Savior Has Arrived the Honorable Elijah Muhammad will say: That this is what Jesus of 2,000 years ago needed. Was to have had a government upon his shoulder for a prophet, who is to rule. Which means simply that our Savior Master Fard Muhammad did come with a government upon His shoulder for a prophet, who is to rule that government. To establish it forever and ever. It is to commence here in America. But it ultimately to be established in Africa.

Jesus of 2,000 years ago followed Moses by 2,000 years. Moses or Musa was 4,00 years ago. The Devils spent 2,000 years in the cave. We're in the 1983s in fact about 1983 and a half (at the time of this lecture). If Jesus of 2,000 years ago is going to come and establish a government. He should have been here already. For you're not going to be able to do that Jesus, if you should come according to the Christians in the time that wr have left. There is prophecy and prediction that you should be out of America by 1985. Jesus would be awful late if he should come tomorrow. Don't you sit around waiting on the return of anyone.

There is no one coming to lead or to teach you anything about those scriptures that make sense but Silis Muhammad. I am the only human being that can bring the scriptures to life. There is no other person except myself. Maybe I should be more modest than this. But there isn't time for me to play around Tees you like some one else is coming. Or tees you like I am not the person. Certainly I am that person. I know it and you will soon know it. You can except me or keep on rejecting me. It's not going to make any difference to me. I am going to keep on teaching , keep on preaching until it's time to get out of here. And I'm asking you, stop rejecting what I say. Stop rejecting it. There is no spirit god. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad peace be upon him is not going to return from his grave. No more than you can expect a Jesus of 2,000 years ago to return. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is not going to return. He just isn't. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad nor Jesus of 2,000 years ago are going to return. If that hurt. I can feel the pain with you. I sympathize with you but I tell you a simple truth. The only person coming is Silis Muhammad. Farrakhan bless his little heart. He is just not the man. I say bless his little heart. He us doing some work. He is raising up some people. And they will eventually be right here with you. Because he doesn't have anywhere to lead them. He does not know where to lead himself. Any person talking about a man coming back from the grave is a idiot. A moronic idiot. And you are just as bigger moron for following such a idiot. You would be just like the Christians sitting here waiting on Jesus to return from the grave. Waiting on the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to return from the grave. Get away from those idiots. Yes I am not trying to establish any unity with Minister Louis Farrakhan. I sought to establish unity with him several years ago. He can go to hell now.

As alarm alaikum